Building and testing a Phoenix JSON API

Paul Smith

Note: This blog post is for Phoenix 1.2. If you’re on Phoenix >= 1.3 check out the Phoenix guides.

Since writing the first version of this guide a lot has changed in Phoenix. In this post we’ll show you how to build and test the index and show actions of a JSON API with Phoenix 1.2. We’ll show you some new techniques we’ve learned since the last time. You’ll learn:

  • How to use the built-in Phoenix test helpers
  • How to use views to render JSON
  • How to unit test your views
  • How to use those unit tests to reduce duplication in your controller tests.


To get started, make sure you follow the Phoenix installation instructions, and then run mix todos to create the project. After Phoenix is setup, install ExMachina in your project. Remember to include import Todos.Factory in your Todos.ConnCase so that you have access to the functions in your factory.

Add a Factory and TodoControllerTest

We want to show a list of todos from our API, so let’s start off with a controller test and an ExMachina factory for inserting todos.

This factory will make it so that we can easily generate test data.

# Create the factory in test/support/factory.ex
defmodule Todos.Factory do
  use ExMachina.Ecto, repo: Todos.Repo

  def todo_factory do
      title: "Something I need to do",
      description: "List of steps I need to complete"
# Create this test in test/controllers/todo_controller_test.exs
defmodule Todos.TodoControllerTest do
  use Todos.ConnCase

  test "#index renders a list of todos" do
    conn = build_conn()
    todo = insert(:todo)

    conn = get conn, todo_path(conn, :index)

    assert json_response(conn, 200) == %{
      "todos" => [%{
        "title" => todo.title,
        "description" => todo.description,
        "inserted_at" => Ecto.DateTime.to_iso8601(todo.inserted_at),
        "updated_at" => Ecto.DateTime.to_iso8601(todo.updated_at)

We use Todos.ConnCase which is an automatically generated module in test/support/conn_case.ex. It handles importing and setting up the functions you need to write controller tests. Open up that file to view more about what it does.

In our test we first call build_conn/0 to create a new connection. Then we create a todo in the database. After that we perform a GET request to the todo index path. Later we assert that the returned connection had a successful status of 200 and had a JSON response body.

We call Ecto.DateTime.to_iso8601 to make sure the date times are formatted in a standard way. ISO8601 is a standardized date format that can be used from most programming languages so it makes an ideal fit for JSON APIs.

If we run mix test now, it will fail to compile because we are missing the Todos.Todo model, and the todo_path in the router.

Add the model and a migration for the database.

First let’s add a model for our todos. You could use mix phoenix.gen.model for this, but we’re going to generate a migration and write the model ourselves. This will help us see what’s going on, and makes sure we only write what we need.

Let’s add a schema for Todos.Todo at web/models/todo.ex:

defmodule Todos.Todo do
  use Todos.Web, :model

  schema "todos" do
    field :title
    field :description


And then we create a migration with mix ecto.gen.migration create_todos.

# In the newly generated migration file
defmodule Todos.Repo.Migrations.CreateTodos do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create table(:todos) do
      add :title, :string
      add :description, :text


Now when you run mix test you will still see the error about the missing todo_path helper. Let’s take care of that now.

Add a route and a controller

Let’s add a new todos route to our router:

# In web/router.ex

defmodule Todos.Router do
  # Add this scope for handling API requests
  scope "/api", Todos do
    pipe_through :api

    resources "/todos", TodoController, only: [:index]

The resources macro generates RESTful routes for you. In this case, we just need an index action, but we’ll add more later. Piping it through the default :api scope will make sure that the response is encoded as JSON.

Next we’ll add the TodoController.

# In web/controllers/todo_controller.ex
defmodule Todos.TodoController do
  use Todos.Web, :controller

  alias Todos.Todo

  def index(conn, _params) do
    todos = Repo.all(Todo)
    render conn, "index.json", todos: todos

If we run mix test again we’ll see that we have not defined a Todos.TodoView to render our todos.

Add a view to render the todos

Views are used in Phoenix to organize rendering. You can use a view to render HTML templates, JSON (as we are about to do), or both. Views are made up of regular Elixir functions, which makes them easy to test, and easy to understand.

Here’s the view we’ll use to render our Todos.

defmodule Todos.TodoView do
  use Todos.Web, :view

  def render("index.json", %{todos: todos}) do
      todos:, &todo_json/1)

  def todo_json(todo) do
      title: todo.title,
      description: todo.description,
      inserted_at: todo.inserted_at,
      updated_at: todo.updated_at

In the render call for "index.json" we nest our list of todos inside of a todos key. Then we render each todo using the todo_json/1 function for "todo.json". The syntax &todo_json/1 is called function capturing. This is telling the program to pass each todo as the first argument to the todo_json/1 function. You could have done the same thing like this, fn(todo) -> todo_json(todo) end).

You’ll also notice that we don’t need to do anything special with inserted_at and updated_at. That’s because those fields are Ecto.DateTimes and those structs are automatically serialized using Ecto.DateTime.to_iso8601.

Checking serialization with unit tests

Our test should pass now, but what happens when we add another endpoint we want to test?

defmodule Todos.TodoControllerTest do
  use Todos.ConnCase

  test "#index renders a list of todos" do
    conn = build_conn()
    todo = insert(:todo)

    conn = get conn, todo_path(conn, :index)

    assert json_response(conn, 200) == %{
      "todos" => [%{
        "title" => todo.title,
        "description" => todo.description,
        "inserted_at" => Ecto.DateTime.to_iso8601(todo.inserted_at),
        "updated_at" => Ecto.DateTime.to_iso8601(todo.updated_at)

  test "#show renders a single todo" do
    conn = build_conn()
    todo = insert(:todo)

    conn = get conn, todo_path(conn, :show, todo)

    assert json_response(conn, 200) == %{
      "todo" => %{
        "title" => todo.title,
        "description" => todo.description,
        "inserted_at" => Ecto.DateTime.to_iso8601(todo.inserted_at),
        "updated_at" => Ecto.DateTime.to_iso8601(todo.updated_at)

Now we’re duplicating the assertion in two places. We could extract a function for this, but instead we’ll do something to clean this up and make future updates easier.

Write a view test for TodoView

Instead of testing the output in the controller test, we’ll do it in a view test.

# In test/views/todo_view_test.exs
defmodule Todos.TodoViewTest do
  use ModelCase
  import Todos.Factory
  alias Todos.TodoView

  test "todo_json" do
    todo = insert(:todo)

    rendered_todo = TodoView.todo_json(todo)

    assert rendered_todo == %{
      title: todo.title,
      description: todo.description,
      inserted_at: todo.inserted_at,
      updated_at: todo.updated_at

  test "index.json" do
    todo = insert(:todo)

    rendered_todos = TodoView.render("index.json", %{todos: [todo]})

    assert rendered_todos == %{
      todos: [TodoView.todo_json(todo)]

  test "show.json" do
    todo = insert(:todo)

    rendered_todo = TodoView.render("show.json", %{todo: todo})

    assert rendered_todo == %{
      todo: TodoView.todo_json(todo)

Notice that we don’t call Ecto.DateTime.to_iso8601(todo.inserted_at) or Ecto.DateTime.to_iso8601(todo.updated_at) when we test the rendered todo. That’s because the view returns an Elixir map, and has not been encoded to JSON. At some point later on in a request, Phoenix will encode the Map as JSON and will convert the Ecto.DateTime into an ISO8601 string for us automatically.

Adding the show action to the controller and view

Let’s add a show action to the controller:

defmodule Todos.TodoController do
  # Omitted for brevity

  def show(conn, %{"id" => id}) do
    todo = Repo.get!(Todo, id)
    render(conn, "show.json", todo: todo)

This is very similar to the index action, except that we get a specific record by id, and we render "show.json".

Now let’s add a show handler to the Todos.TodoView

defmodule Todos.TodoView do
  def render("show.json", %{todo: todo}) do
    %{todo: todo_json(todo)}

Now our tests should pass. But let’s clean them up so we don’t have so much duplication in our tests.

Cleaning up the controller tests

Instead of individually testing the JSON returned by each action, let’s use our views.

defmodule Todos.TodoControllerTest do
  use Todos.ConnCase

  test "#index renders a list of todos" do
    conn = build_conn()
    todo = insert(:todo)

    conn = get conn, todo_path(conn, :index)

    assert json_response(conn, 200) == render_json("index.json", todos: [todo])

  test "#show renders a single todo" do
    conn = build_conn()
    todo = insert(:todo)

    conn = get conn, todo_path(conn, :show, todo)

    assert json_response(conn, 200) == render_json("show.json", todo: todo)

  defp render_json(template, assigns) do
    assigns =

    Todos.TodoView.render(template, assigns)
    |> Poison.encode!
    |> Poison.decode!

Since we unit tested our views we can check that the JSON response matches the JSON generated by view. We encode and then decode the output from the view so that we get the same response back that we get from json_response.

You may be wondering, is this that much better? It seems very similar to what was there before, but it gives us a lot of power in the future. Let’s see how in the next section.

Using our views elsewhere

Let’s say we wanted to add an /api/users endpoint that renders a user’s name, email and list of todos. Since we have unit tested our TodoView, testing this would be pretty simple. It’s simple because views are made up of regular functions, so we can just call it from our unit test just as we would with any other function.

# This is just an example, so you don't need to save it anywhere
defmodule Todos.UserViewTest do
  use Todos.ModelCase
  alias Todos.UserView

  test "show.json" do
    todo = insert(:todo)
    user = insert(:user, todos: [todo])

    rendered_user = UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user})

    assert rendered_user == %{
      user: %{
        # TodoView.todo_json is tested, so we know it outputs what we expect
        todos: [Todos.TodoView.todo_json(todo)]

defmodule Todos.UserControllerTest do
  use Todos.ConnCase

  test "#show renders a user" do
    conn = build_conn()
    user = insert(:user, todos: [insert(:todo)])

    conn = get conn, user_path(conn, :show,

    assert json_response(conn, 200) == render_json("show.json", user: user)

  defp render_json(template, assigns) do
    assigns =

    Todos.UserView.render(template, assigns)
    |> Poison.encode!
    |> Poison.decode!

Wrapping up

You may have noticed that the render_json could lead to a lot of duplication across your controller tests. Let’s create a module that we import in all of our controller tests to help with this.

# Add this to test/support/conn_case_helper.ex
defmodule Todos.ConnCaseHelper do
  def render_json(view, template, assigns) do
    view.render(template, assigns) |> format_json

  defp format_json(data) do
   data |> Poison.encode! |> Poison.decode!

# In test/support/conn_case.ex
defmodule Todos.ConnCase do
  using do
    quote do
      # Add this to import the helpers in all your controller tests
      import Todos.ConnCaseHelper

Now in your tests you can write:

defmodule Todos.UserControllerTest do
  use Todos.ConnCase
  alias Todos.UserView

  test "#show renders a user" do
    conn = build_conn()
    user = insert(:user, todos: [insert(:todo)])

    conn = get conn, user_path(conn, :show,

    assert json_response(conn, 200) == render_json(UserView, "show.json", user: user)

Now this can be used in all your controller tests.