Build and test a blazing fast JSON API with Phoenix, an Elixir framework

Paul Smith

Note: This guide was written for Phoenix 0.10. Parts of it may no longer work if you are using a newer version. If you are using a newer version of Phoenix, check out the updated blog post.

Let’s build a JSON API that serves a list of contacts. We’ll be writing it using Elixir and Phoenix 0.10. Phoenix is a framework written in Elixir that aims to make writing fast, low latency web applications as enjoyable as possible. This will not go through installing Elixir or Phoenix. See the Phoenix Guides to get started.

Why Elixir and Phoenix?

Erlang is a Ferrari wrapped in the sheet metal of an old beater. It has immense power, but to many people, it looks ugly. It has been used by WhatsApp to handle billions of connections, but many people struggle with the unfamiliar syntax and lack of tooling. Elixir fixes that. It is built on top of Erlang, but has a beautiful and enjoyable syntax, with tooling like mix to help build, test and work with applications efficiently.

Phoenix builds on top of Elixir to create very low latency web applications, in an environment that is still enjoyable. Blazing fast applications and an enjoyable development environments are no longer mutually exclusive. Elixir and Phoenix give you both. Response times in Phoenix are often measured in microseconds instead of milliseconds.

Now that we’ve discussed why we might want to build something in with this framework, let’s build something!

Writing the test

See getting started on the Phoenix website to see how to create a new app called HelloPhoenix. We’ll be using Phoenix 0.10.0 for this exercise.

Now that you have your Phoenix app setup let’s start by writing a test. Let’s create a file at test/controllers/contact_controller_test.exs

defmodule HelloPhoenix.ContactControllerTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: false
  use Plug.Test
  alias HelloPhoenix.Contact
  alias HelloPhoenix.Repo
  alias Ecto.Adapters.SQL

  setup do

    on_exit fn ->

  test "/index returns a list of contacts" do
    contacts_as_json =
      %Contact{name: "Gumbo", phone: "(801) 555-5555"}
      |> Repo.insert
      |> List.wrap
      |> Poison.encode!

    response = conn(:get, "/api/contacts") |> send_request

    assert response.status == 200
    assert response.resp_body == contacts_as_json

  defp send_request(conn) do
    |> put_private(:plug_skip_csrf_protection, true)

We write a setup function to wrap our Ecto calls in a transaction that will ensure that our database is always empty when we start our tests.

The test itself does what you would expect. use Plug.Test gives us access to the conn/2 function for creating test connections. In our test we insert a new Contact, wrap it in a list and then encode it. After that we create a new connection and send the request. We assert that the response was successful and that the body contains a list of contacts encoded as JSON.

Run mix test and we’ll see the error HelloPhoenix.Contact.__struct__/0 is undefined, cannot expand struct HelloPhoenix.Contact. This means we haven’t yet created our model. Let’s use Ecto for hooking up to a Postgres database.

Creating our databases

Ecto uses a repository for saving and retrieving data from a database. Phoenix already comes with a repo set up and a default configuration. Make sure your Postgres username and password are correct in config/dev.exs and config/test.exs.

Let’s see what new mix tasks we get from Ecto by running mix -h | grep ecto.

You’ll see a number of tasks you can use. For now let’s create the dev and test databases. After that we can add our first model.

# This will create your dev database
$ mix ecto.create
# This will create your test database
$ env MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.create

Adding the Contact model

Let’s add a schema for Contact at web/models/contact.ex.

defmodule HelloPhoenix.Contact do
  use Ecto.Model

  schema "contacts" do
    field :name
    field :phone


Next we’ll create a migration with mix ecto.gen.migration create_contacts. In the newly generated migration, write this:

defmodule HelloPhoenix.Repo.Migrations.CreateContacts do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create table(:contacts) do
      add :name
      add :phone


The default column type for Ecto migrations is :string. To see what else you can do, check out the Ecto.Migration docs.

Now run mix ecto.migrate to create the new table, and once more for test MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.migrate.

Adding the routes and controller

Let’s get to our API endpoint with a route that will look like /api/contacts.

# In our web/router.ex
defmodule HelloPhoenix.Router do
  use Phoenix.Router

  pipeline :api do
    plug :accepts, ["json"]

  scope "/api", HelloPhoenix do
    pipe_through :api

    resources "/contacts", ContactController

If you’re coming from Rails, you’ll note that /api/contacts.json will result in a 404 not found. You are expected set the appropriate request header. In a pinch you can do /api/contacts?format=json, but this is not recommended. The trailing format param was not added for performance reasons and because HTTP headers already enable this functionality.

Now, if we run mix test we see that we still need a ContactController.

** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function: HelloPhoenix.ContactController.init/1 (module HelloPhoenix.ContactController is not available)

Let’s create our controller at web/controllers/contact_controller.ex

defmodule HelloPhoenix.ContactController do
  use HelloPhoenix.Web, :controller
  alias HelloPhoenix.Repo
  alias HelloPhoenix.Contact

  plug :action

  def index(conn, _params) do
    contacts = Repo.all(Contact)
    render conn, contacts: contacts

First we make sure to get all the Contacts with Repo.all(Contact). Then we render JSON with Phoenix.Controller.render/2. The function is automatically imported when we call use HelloPhoenix.Web, :controller. Check out web/web.ex to see what else is imported.

If we run mix test our tests won’t pass quite yet.

** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function: HelloPhoenix.ContactView.render/2 (module HelloPhoenix.ContactView is not available)

We need a view to render our JSON.

Rendering our JSON with a view

Views handle how to output our JSON. Right now it’s pretty simple, but in the future, this is where we could change what we send based on user’s permissions for example.

Let’s create a file in web/views/contact_view.ex

defmodule HelloPhoenix.ContactView do
  use HelloPhoenix.Web, :view

  def render("index.json", %{contacts: contacts}) do

This will use pattern matching to set and then return contacts. Phoenix will automatically encode the array of contacts to JSON. You can use this view function to customize how the JSON is presented, but we’ll cover that in a later post.

At this point when you run mix test all tests should pass.


Let’s check out HelloPhoenix.Web in web/web.ex to cleanup our app a bit more. If we open that file up we see that the controller function already has an alias for HelloPhoenix.Repo.

  def controller do
    quote do
      # Auto generated - This imports all the macros and functions that a controller needs.
      use Phoenix.Controller

      # Auto inserted - The app was generated with an alias to Repo as a convenience.
      alias HelloPhoenix.Repo

      # This imports the router helpers so you can generate paths like
      # `api_contacts_path(conn)`
      import HelloPhoenix.Router.Helpers

This means that in your controller you can remove your alias for HelloPhoenix.Repo.

Let’s use ExUnit.CaseTemplate to clean up our tests a bit. In test/test_helper.exs

# Add this above `ExUnit.start`
defmodule HelloPhoenix.Case do
  use ExUnit.CaseTemplate
  alias Ecto.Adapters.SQL
  alias HelloPhoenix.Repo

  setup do

    on_exit fn ->

  using do
    quote do
      alias HelloPhoenix.Repo
      alias HelloPhoenix.Contact
      use Plug.Test

      # Remember to change this from `defp` to `def` or it can't be used in your
      # tests.
      def send_request(conn) do
        |> put_private(:plug_skip_csrf_protection, true)

Adding code to using will make those functions and aliases available in every test. This makes it so that we can remove send_request/1 and the other alias from our test and replace it with use HelloPhoenix.Case

defmodule HelloPhoenix.ContactControllerTest do
  use HelloPhoenix.Case, async: false
  # We removed the other aliases since they're already included in
  # `HelloPhoenix.Case`. We also removed the `setup` macro.

  test "/index returns a list of contacts" do
    contacts_as_json =
      %Contact{name: "Gumbo", phone: "(801) 555-5555"}
      |> Repo.insert
      |> List.wrap
      |> Poison.encode!

    response = conn(:get, "/api/contacts") |> send_request

    assert response.status == 200
    assert response.resp_body == contacts_as_json

  # We also removed the function definition for `send_request/1`

That’s a wrap

Now you’ve seen how to create and test a Phoenix JSON API. We’ve also learned how to cleanup our files and make it easier to use our modules in other controllers and tests in the future by using HelloPhoenix.Web and ExUnit.CaseTemplate. You can now deploy this app to Heroku with the Elixir buildpack.