The majority of web applications require some kind of user or account authentication at some point in their life cycle. One popular option for authentication in an Elixir or Phoenix web application is to use the Guardian package together with Ueberauth. In order to learn about this authentication option, this series of posts will build a basic Phoenix application with at least the following features:
A user can:
- register for an account using their email and password or by using their Google account
- log in to their account using their email and password or by using their Google account
- log out of their account
- access protected resources only after logging in
In order to follow along with these posts, it’s best if you have basic familiarity with Elixir, Phoenix, and with running commands on the command line. If these are unfamiliar to you, the Elixir language getting started guide, the Phoenix guides, and Learn Enough Command Line to Be Dangerous are good places to begin.
Setting up a basic Phoenix application with authentication pages
This first post will cover creating a basic Phoenix application called Yauth—an amalgamation of “You Authenticate”—and creating the pages needed for authentication. If you’ve not done so already, you will need to install Phoenix by following the instructions on the Phoenix web site. This tutorial will be using Phoenix 1.4.14 but any version >= 1.4 should be fine to follow along.
Once you have Phoenix installed, run the following command to generate the Phoenix application.
mix yauth
When prompted, accept the request to install dependencies and then follow the instructions to change into the application directory, establish the database, and confirm that the application runs.
Test driving the application from the outside in
While these posts will not follow a strict test-driven development approach, a great place for us to start is by writing a feature test from the perspective of our users. Given we are building a web application, we should begin by writing tests that use a browser to drive the application in the same way our end user will. To accomplish those browser-based tests, these posts will use Wallaby, a popular Elixir acceptance testing package.
Setting up Wallaby for automated browser tests
First, let’s add Wallaby to our list of dependencies.
# mix.exs
defmodule Yauth.MixProject do
# ...
defp deps do
# ...
{:wallaby, "~> 0.23.0", [runtime: false, only: :test]},
# ...
Now we can tell mix
to get those dependencies:
mix deps.get
Wallaby uses a browser driver to interact with a browser. It uses PhantomJS by
default but, as PhantomJS has been discontinued, this tutorial will use the
headless chromedriver
instead. You will need to install chromedriver
following the instructions on the chromedriver website.
We will also need to make a few additions to our project to work with Wallaby.
First, we need ensure that Wallaby has started when our tests are started. Add the following to our test helper:
# test/test_helper.exs
# ...
{:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:wallaby)
Application.put_env(:wallaby, :base_url, YauthWeb.Endpoint.url)
Next we need to configure our application to ensure that the Phoenix Endpoint
is running as a server during tests, to indicate which browser driver to use,
and to set the database to use the sandbox mode to allow for concurrent testing.
# config/test.exs
# ...
config :yauth, YauthWeb.Endpoint,
server: true
config :yauth, :sql_sandbox, true
config :wallaby,
driver: Wallaby.Experimental.Chrome
We also need to configure the Endpoint
to use the SQL sandbox if that option
is set.
# lib/yauth_web/endpoint.ex
defmodule YauthWeb.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :yauth
if Application.get_env(:yauth, :sql_sandbox),
do: plug(Phoenix.Ecto.SQL.Sandbox)
# ...
Finally, to make testing with Wallaby easier, let’s create a FeatureCase
can be used by our browser-based tests.
# test/support/feature_case.ex
defmodule YauthWeb.FeatureCase do
@moduledoc """
This module defines the test case to be used by browser-based tests.
use ExUnit.CaseTemplate
using do
quote do
use Wallaby.DSL
setup tags do
:ok = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.checkout(Yauth.Repo)
unless tags[:async] do
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(Yauth.Repo, {:shared, self()})
metadata = Phoenix.Ecto.SQL.Sandbox.metadata_for(Yauth.Repo, self())
{:ok, session} = Wallaby.start_session(metadata: metadata)
{:ok, session: session}
This case does a few things for us. By use
ing the Wallaby.DSL
, it imports
all of the functions of Wallaby.Browser
and aliases Wallaby.{Browser,
Element, Query}
, making those modules available to our tests under those
aliases. It also establishes a Wallaby session and makes it available to each
test case.
Testing for authentication-related pages
With Wallaby in place, we can now write our first feature test. This test will confirm that a user can reach the first two pages of our application—a registration page and a login page—by visiting those pages and asserting that the content is as expected.
For the registration page, we will expect to see a form with fields for an email address, a password, a password confirmation, and links to the social logins we (will eventually) support. Similarly, the login page should contain a form with fields for email and password as well as links for social login.
# test/yauth_web/features/authentication_pages_test.exs
defmodule YauthWeb.Features.AuthenticationPagesTest do
use YauthWeb.FeatureCase, async: true
import Query, only: [fillable_field: 1, link: 1]
@email_field fillable_field("account[email]")
@password_field fillable_field("account[password]")
@password_confirmation_field fillable_field("account[password_confirmation]")
test "Visiting the registration page", %{session: session} do
session = visit(session, "/register")
assert_text(session, "Register")
assert_has(session, @email_field)
assert_has(session, @password_field)
assert_has(session, @password_confirmation_field)
assert_has(session, link("Google"))
assert_has(session, link("Twitter"))
test "Visiting the login page", %{session: session} do
session = visit(session, "/login")
assert_text(session, "Log In")
assert_has(session, @email_field)
assert_has(session, @password_field)
assert_has(session, link("Google"))
assert_has(session, link("Twitter"))
At this point, we can run our tests with mix test
and see our first failing
tests. Once these tests are passing, we can be confident our authentication
pages are in place.
Creating authentication pages
Our tests above are expecting our application to have a “/register” and a
“/login” route. To make those available, make the following changes to our
# lib/yauth_web/router.ex
defmodule YauthWeb.Router do
# ...
scope "/", YauthWeb do
pipe_through :browser
get "/", PageController, :index
get "/register", RegistrationController, :new
get "/login", SessionController, :new
Here we configure our Router
to route GET requests at “/register” to the
function of the RegistrationController
and GET requests at “/login”
to the new/2
function of the SessionController
. Running our tests with mix
will highlight the need to create these controller modules.
# lib/yauth_web/controllers/registration_controller.ex
defmodule YauthWeb.RegistrationController do
use YauthWeb, :controller
def new(conn, _) do
render(conn, :new, changeset: conn, action: "/register")
# lib/yauth_web/controllers/session_controller.ex
defmodule YauthWeb.SessionController do
use YauthWeb, :controller
def new(conn, _params) do
render(conn, :new, changeset: conn, action: "/login")
For now, our intention is simply to display these pages to the user without
providing any actual functionality. We are passing a changeset and an action as
assigns even though we don’t have a schema or actual changeset at this point.
Fortunately, the form_for
function accepts either a %Plug.Conn{}
or a
changeset so we’ll take advantage of that here so we don’t have to change our
templates in the future. We are also just hard coding the action paths for now.
Both of these controllers simply render the :new
template. In order for that
rendering to happen, however, Phoenix needs a view module (a module that
organizes all of the functions of a controller’s view) and an HTML template. We
can create the views for these controllers with the following:
# lib/yauth_web/views/registration_view.ex
defmodule YauthWeb.RegistrationView do
use YauthWeb, :view
# lib/yauth_web/views/session_view.ex
defmodule YauthWeb.SessionView do
use YauthWeb, :view
Next, we will need the HTML templates for these views. The form will use the
(really the %Plug.Conn{}
at this point) and the @action
provided in the assigns. It will also use the :as
keyword option to identify
the data in the form as account data.
# lib/yauth_web/templates/registration/new.html.eex
<div class="row">
<div class="column column-50 column-offset-25">
<%= form_for @changeset, @action, [as: :account], fn f -> %>
<%= label f, :email, "Email address" %>
<%= email_input f, :email %>
<%= error_tag f, :email %>
<%= label f, :password, "Password" %>
<%= password_input f, :password %>
<%= error_tag f, :password %>
<%= label f, :password_confirmation, "Password Confirmation" %>
<%= password_input f, :password_confirmation %>
<%= error_tag f, :password_confirmation %>
<%= submit "Register", class: "button button-primary" %>
<% end %>
<div class="row">
<div class="column column-50 column-offset-25">
Already have an account?
<%= link("Log in here", to: Routes.session_path(@conn, :new)) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="column column-50 column-offset-25">
<%= render(YauthWeb.SessionView, "social_links.html", assigns) %>
And the template for the login view is similar:
# lib/yauth_web/templates/session/new.html.eex
<div class="row">
<div class="column column-50 column-offset-25">
<h1>Log In</h1>
<%= form_for @changeset, @action, [as: :account], fn f -> %>
<%= label f, :email, "Email address" %>
<%= email_input f, :email %>
<%= error_tag f, :email %>
<%= label f, :password, "Password" %>
<%= password_input f, :password %>
<%= error_tag f, :password %>
<%= submit "Log In", class: "button button-primary" %>
<% end %>
<div class="row">
<div class="column column-50 column-offset-25">
Need an account?
<%= link "Register here", to: Routes.registration_path(@conn, :new) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="column column-50 column-offset-25">
<%= render(YauthWeb.SessionView, "social_links.html", assigns) %>
And the template for the social login links:
<!-- lib/yauth_web/templates/session/social_links.html.eex -->
<div class="social-log-in">
<p>Or log in with</p>
<%= link "Google", to: "#", class: "button button-outline" %>
<%= link "Twitter", to: "#", class: "button button-outline" %>
Now when we run our tests with mix test
all of our test should pass.
In this post we created a new Phoenix application called Yauth. We added routes for displaying a registration and a login form to a user. We added the controller, views, and templates to provide those forms. We also added the test infrastructure needed for browser-based testing and added a test to ensure those forms are displayed. This will lay the groundwork from which we can build our authentication features.
In the next post, we will add the functionality for actually creating an account for the user and logging them in during that creation process.