How to find the oldest or most recent record associated with a particular foreign key.
In 2014 we wrote about how to get up and running with Middleman and Bourbon. This article revisits that technical stack for 2017.
The comet of success will lead your team to victory.
Luke reflects on things he’s learnt by facilitating Design Sprints, and asks the thoughtbot design team some of theirs too.
Write testable reports in SQL that don’t erode over time.
Use Neat 2 to create dyamic nested layouts for your site or app.
A walk through some options available to us for analyzing memory usage in MRI.
Phoenix 1.3 introduces contexts, which has been met with some resistance. I’ve developed an application using it and learned some lessons.
Leaving the comfort of the React Native ecosystem and embracing the native frontier with Bluetooth Low Energy.
We’re hosting a lightly-structured party where people get together and work on a project in a new programming language, either with or just near each other.