My father is a construction man. What could he teach me about being a software engineer? Well, quite a lot.
Learning makes magic happen.
Ruby, functional programming, how to build operation pipelines, and the average programming language color.
É exaustivo passar o dia todo se comunicando em uma língua estrangeira, mas podemos praticar bondade e compreensão para aliviar parte dessa carga mental.
It’s exhausting to communicate all day in your non-native language, but we can practice kindness and understanding to relieve some of that mental load.
Simple actions can make a big difference in Security. What can we do today to make our lives safer?
The key to better code is making it easy to delete.
Parsers, grepping, ASCII art, and how that helps you automating boring stuff.
One big giant blob of words is hard – and tedious – to read.
Let’s get back to elementary school and see how we can improve this.