A Mindset for Better Code

Matheus Richard in Brazil

An app is like a living being: it is comprised of several small parts that interact, forming larger, more complex parts. Also, like a living thing, some elements (cells) die every day, being replaced by new ones.

No code stays the same forever. Sometimes it needs to be refactored, sometimes it needs to be deleted, and a few times, it actually lasts. Now imagine every time we had to touch a method/function/class/module, we had to completely delete it first, then rewrite everything again. Sounds nuts, right? But bear with me.

What would be the side-effects of doing this?

More code == More work

First of all, we would despise large blocks of code. For the simple reason that they would require us to write more when changing it. Also, it’s more code to read and understand before rewriting it.

To make things easier, we would split a large function/class into a couple of small, meaningful ones, so we would avoid rewriting the whole thing when changing a single one.

Oh, sure, we would think more about YAGNI and KISS more often.

Fewer dependencies

Code with lots of dependencies is a pain to maintain. Everything is related to everything else! Imagine replacing an HTTP client that’s used throughout the app. We would essentially have to rewrite the entire app!

That’s definitely not ideal, so we’d be sure to have external libraries like that wrapped in an internal module/class, so we could update them in a single place.

Our code would probably be using more dependency injection too.

Well named things

Before changing something, we first need to read it and understand it. This is harder when the code is not well named.

Vague names in important places like data, value, for example, would make our jobs much harder

# Literally everything in code is data.
# And what in the world is `process`?
# This method could do anything!
def process_data(data)
  # ...

If, instead, we had

def convert_to_json(user)
  # ...

Small change, but this is way easier to understand, even without the method body. The name hints at what the method does, and we’d know what to expect from it.

When poorly named, even small variables would bother us

// What the heck is this number?
let r = 6371;

It seems silly, but when writing code, we can’t expect someone to know by heart/recognize Earth’s radius.

The winds of change

Thinking about code as something ephemeral helps us write code that is easier to understand and change. It also makes us not too attached to the code we wrote.

Remember, this is not a rule but an exercise. What’s essential is understanding what makes a codebase easy to work with: small, well-named, self-contained parts.

Doing this exercise is future-proofing ourselves because we can be sure: things will change. And when they do, we want our code to be easy to change as well.

  1. You can, in fact, use type annotations in Ruby with tools like Sorbet and RBS