Build a reliable app with Elm

Elm combines the friendliness of Ruby and the safety of Haskell and brings it to the front-end. Run-time errors in Elm programs are virtually non-existent, resulting in reliable applications and happy customers.

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Elm Development

Help your Elm development project reach the next level

Elm’s robust type system catches the low-level errors so thoughtbot designers and Elm developers can focus on what matters: building the product and experience. Elm’s impressive compiler makes development faster for experts and novices alike. The easy learning curve helps new team members get up-to-speed writing production code in no time, and developers of all levels gain confidence in the application.

Photo collage of three images and hand-drawn elements clockwise from top left to bottom left; designer and developer collaborating at whiteboard, a designer working at their desk, two developers discussing code on a project

thoughtbot has a team of senior developers who can come in and get running on any project you need with great perspective and process, without being dogmatic. They start making an impact immediately.

A headshot of Becky Segal

Becky Segal
VP engineering, Bark

Read the case study

We share what we learn

Our Elm experts have spoken and written a lot about Elm

Elm’s universal pattern

Want to build a random generator? A JSON decoder? Combine multiple Maybes into a more complex one? Do it all with this one simple trick.

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Rolling Random Romans

Dive into Elm’s random generators on a quest to build a historically accurate Roman random name generator for the goddess Juno.

Watch the presentation

Lessons Learned: Avoiding Primitives in Elm

Switching from primitive types to product types can improve confidence in correctness and compiler errors, but not without a cost.

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Product Design with Elm Development

Design helps you scale your business as you scale up your Elm codebase

While our Elm Developers are working on implementing new features or refactoring old ones, our design team can support your business by testing and improving your existing product. Conducting an audit of your usability will help identify gaps in your user’s experience.

Learn more about Product Design
Photo collage and hand drawn elements from left to right; designer working at their desk and a large monitor, two consultants working on their laptops with post-its next to them

Let's Chat

What does success look like for your Elm project?

A photo collage depicting people at work consisting of four photos and three hand-drawn elements, from top to bottom; two people pinning up storyboard sketches during a design sprint, two developers working side by side at their desks in a well lit office, a designer sitting on a video call at a desk below a wall calendar, the backs of a designer and developer working together on code at the same desk