Platform Engineering

Creating secure, reliable infrastructure in the cloud for applications can be complicated, expensive and time consuming. Work with thoughtbot to leverage our past experience in building platforms for highly regulated products to quickly get your team up and running in the cloud at a low cost with a high confidence in your security posture.

Clients in the UK public sector can access our platform engineering services as part of the G-Cloud-13 purchasing framework.

Talk to us about your platform

Deliver Code with Confidence

Build systems to appropriately scale for the size and complexity of products

Platform Engineering services focus on how code gets from the developers hands into the end user's experience to ensure success from the beginning of the product lifecycle through exponential growth. We build continuous integration and delivery pipelines, cloud platforms, and provide ongoing support post-launch of new products and major features.

  • Is your team able to deliver code at a high velocity?
  • Are they able to test features in a production-like environment before deployment?
  • Do you frequently have post-deployment errors or production outages?

Our platform engineering team creates all infrastructure as code. Get the tools to mirror your staging and production environments, monitor your site performance, and minimize production outages caused by deployments. Make both your users and your developers happier.

Collage of three photos: thoughtbot teammate working at laptop, a stack of thoughtbot branded mugs, and the back of a developer in front of a pinboard

Case Study

Check out one of our stories

Migrate to AWS with Flight Deck

Leverage our AWS Platform Guide to seamlessly migrate fast

Our AWS platform guide documents our experiences and approach to building on the cloud with security best practices on Flight Deck - our curated set of pre-configured open source Terraform modules and AWS products for deploying and managing applications on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service.

  • Do you feel comfortable meeting the security compliance needs of your product with your current platform?
  • Do you have a high variability in traffic?
  • Are you experiencing growth / cost pain with your current cloud provider?

Our team can stand up a high-compliance ready AWS platform for your team and be ready to begin a migration in less than 3 weeks. We provide your team with all of the documentation and training you need to operate on AWS, maintain security compliance, and scale to meet the variability of your user needs. We have the experience and partnerships to handle special considerations like HIPAA, FINRA, SOC 2, and PCI in a variety of cloud platforms.

A collage of images of multiple monitors on a desk, a video call displayed on a laptop and a bookshelf built to look like thoughtbot's logo robot Ralph

Let's Talk

What does success look like for your project?

Collage of code on a screen, a thoughtbot video meeting with many attendees, and a desktop scene with the Ruby on Rails logo displayed on the monitor