Identify and manage your Imposter Syndrome.
How to test integrations with a third-party API.
Whitespace is probably the most under-appreciated yet impactful part of a good design.
ExMachina 2.0 brings new features and functions for easier testing.
From Upcase, a grab-bag of tips to speed up your vimming!
Improve test readability by leveraging RSpec’s matcher composition to make multiple assertions with a single matcher.
Sometimes pull requests are full of noise and it’s difficult to cut through to what matters. Pipe it Down is a Chrome extension to help with that.
An overview of typography as a element of design for the web.
The thought of designing a product from nothing can be scary. Here’s how we prefer to start.
From the New York Emacs Meetup, Perry Metzger explains why he has dedicated over 30 years to Emacs.