Slack emoji can quickly communicate the state of PR reviews.
Naming presenters can be challenging. By shifting our perspective to look at what abstraction we are representing rather than the data being presented, we can bring clarity to our presenters, views, and models.
Having your code reviewed can be daunting. But it can also be very helpful. As reviewers, we can make the difference. Here are five tips to make your code reviews more helpful to the author.
Various resources and techniques to help keep your team up to date.
Use synvert snippets to automatically rewrite ruby code for a smoother upgrade path to Rails 5.
We can always make our test suite more DRY. But should we?
The CSS grid shorthand property makes it easier to keep track of your track sizes and names.
Sometimes, a programs output will depend on where it is sending that output.
Improve your site’s accessibility using focus styles.