When your custom collection has more than one way to be traversed, return Enumerator instead of including Enumerable.
Get a better understanding of Ruby enumerators by looking at them from 3 different perspectives.
Things I think about when putting together effective method-level documentation.
Discover how seamless design-dev teamwork transforms outcomes.
Is your app ready for what’s coming up in React 19’s release? Get prepared with what is going to change ahead of its release date.
Checkout z, a neat lil command line utility.
Let’s talk about a few reasons I find the Remix JS framework so exciting.
Talking to a rubber duck about your code can get you far, but won’t take others with you. Learn how to turn a lonely debugging technique into a knowledge-sharing tool.
Need to do some HTML sanitization, but Rails ActionView Sanitize Helpers are not good enough? Read this post to learn how to do it with Loofah.
I’ve been upgrading an old Rails 3.2 app and Ruby 2.0 doesn’t work on Apple Silicon. I solved it with full virtualization of x86-64.