Powerful Git Macros For Automating Everyday Workflows Improve your everyday git workflows by automating the boring stuff. Wil Hall May 14, 2020 Git DevTools Unix Shell Productivity
Executables can Introspect their Output Destination Sometimes, a programs output will depend on where it is sending that output. Sid Raval December 6, 2019 TIL Unix Shell
Templating tmux with tmuxinator tmux does one thing and does it well as any unix tool should, but that doesn’t mean you should stop there. Simon van Dyk March 13, 2019 tmux CLI Unix
Following the Path A journey into requiring files via $PATH and $LOAD_PATH. Joël Quenneville April 10, 2017 Web Ruby Unix
Executing Elevated Commands in Your Current Environment No more maintaining multiple versions of gems for your system Ruby! Justin Kenyon March 9, 2016 Ruby Unix
Ruby's ARGF How to write well-behaved data-processing Unix utilities in Ruby. Calle Erlandsson October 13, 2015 Ruby Unix
Input/Output Redirection in the Shell Delve deep into stdout, stderr, and pipes plus some neat tricks that you might not know. Gabe Berke-Williams August 3, 2015 Unix
CSVKit Brings the Unix Philosophy to CSV Use CSVKit to parse CSV at the command line. Gabe Berke-Williams March 27, 2015 Unix
Announcing pick Fuzzy select anything. Calle Erlandsson and Mike Burns March 10, 2015 News Open Source Unix C
jq is sed for JSON Slice and dice your JSON with jq. Gabe Berke-Williams February 25, 2015 Web JavaScript Unix