AWS Platform Guide

AWS Accounts

When possible, thoughtbot uses a multi-account architecture. thoughtbot uses the standard Control Tower shared accounts:

  • Management
  • Log Archive
  • Audit

We also use some extra accounts.

A diagram of the accounts and what they can access



Diagram Notes


  • Control Tower
  • Organization
  • Customizations
  • Identity Center

Customizations flow to operations, sandbox, production, and network


This account is the delegated administrator for the Identity Center instance and manages permission sets and account assignments.

  • Identity Center

Identity Center in the Management account delegates to permission sets and account assignments in the Identity account.


This account contains CI/CD pipelines for building and deploying applications, as well as any centralized application monitoring tools like Grafana and ElasticSearch. IAM roles for entry point access are also deployed to this account.

The goal for this account is to allow developers to perform most of their tasks, such as deploying and debugging applications, without logging into any account besides the Operations account.

  • CloudTrail
  • CI/CD
  • Docker Images
  • Prometheus

Baseline flows to sandbox, production, and network.

CI/CD flows to docker images and clusters in production and sandbox.

Cloudtrail flows to sandbox, production, network, and log archive.


This account contains centralized DNS and networking resources including:

Route 53 hosted zones for root domains

SES domain identities

If using a hub-and-spoke network architecture, the hub resources

  • Baseline
  • CloudTrail
  • Email Identities
  • Subdomain Root Domain

Root domain connects to subdomains in production and sandbox.


  • AWS Config
  • Notifications

Log Archive

  • CloudTrail Archive


This workload account contains resources for running production workloads, including:

An EKS cluster running the Flightdeck platform

Any databases required for running applications on the platform

S3 buckets and other cloud resources for running applications

This account will also contain a Route 53 hosted domain for its workloads. Nameservers for the subdomain can be delegated from the Network account, and aliases can be added in the root hosted zone for public addresses.

  • Baseline
  • Cluster
  • Subdomain
  • CloudTrail


This account mirrors the production account, but runs development and staging workloads. This account will typically contain resources that are identical in shape to production but smaller in size.

  • Baseline
  • Cluster
  • Subdomain
  • CloudTrail


Contains isolated backup vaults of workload data. Access to this account is strictly locked down to prevent deletion of backups in the event of a Ransomware attack.

  • Control Tower
  • Customizations

Sandbox and production accounts connect to the vaults in the Backup account.

AWS Platform Guide

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