Create blazing fast Elixir and Phoenix apps

thoughtbot has assembled a team of expert developers and designers who love working with Elixir and Phoenix, both for clients and on our own internal tools.

Talk to us about your project

Speed and immutability

Phoenix and Elixir are not a paradigm shift in Rails, but a beautiful evolution

When you combine MVC patterns with the benefits of functional programming, concurrency, and performance, amazing things are possible.

Photo collage and hand drawn elements from left to right; designer working at their desk and a large monitor, two consultants working on their laptops with post-its next to them

Let's Talk

What does success look like for your Elixir and Phoenix project?

A photo collage depicting people at work consisting of four photos and three hand-drawn elements, from top to bottom; two people pinning up storyboard sketches during a design sprint, two developers working side by side at their desks in a well lit office, a designer sitting on a video call at a desk below a wall calendar, the backs of a designer and developer working together on code at the same desk

Quote about team confidence

Working with thoughtbot we have total confidence there is nothing technical we can’t solve with the extra bonus of having a team that can help us make better decisions and move faster.

A headshot of Hunter Gorham

Hunter Gorham
CEO & Founder, Joydrive

Read the case study

Elixir Resources

What we’re learning about Elixir

From the blog

Each new Elixir project gives us an opportunity to learn, and more importantly to teach. As with any new technology, we’ve hit a few roadblocks along the way. Blogging gives us an opportunity to share any quirks and solutions we stumbled across.

Read our Elixir posts

From the podcast

On The Bike Shed, hosts Chris Toomey, Steph Viccari and guests discuss their development experience and challenges with Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, as well as Elixir and Phoenix.

Listen to the wonders of Elixir

Open Source

As a consultancy, we encounter the same road blocks over and over again. We built these open source libraries to help ourselves, and others, so we don’t have to keep reinventing the wheel.

View Bamboo on GitHub

Elixir/Phoenix MVP