Ruby Science
Divergent Change
A class suffers from Divergent Change when it changes for multiple reasons.
- You can’t easily describe what the class does in one sentence.
- The class is changed more frequently than other classes in the application.
- Different changes to the class aren’t related to each other.
# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
class SummariesController < ApplicationController
def show
@survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
@summaries = @survey.summarize(summarizer)
def summarizer
case params[:id]
when 'breakdown'
when 'most_recent'
when 'your_answers'
raise "Unknown summary type: #{params[:id]}"
This controller has many reasons to change:
- Control flow logic related to summaries, such as authentication.
- Any instance in which a summarizer strategy is added or changed.
- Extract class to move one cause of change to a new class.
- Move method if the class is changing because of methods that relate to another class.
- Extract validator to move validation logic out of models.
- Introduce form object to move form logic out of controllers.
- Use convention over configuration to eliminate changes that can be inferred by a convention, such as a name.
You can prevent divergent change from occurring by following the single responsibility principle. If a class has only one responsibility, it has only one reason to change.
Following the open/closed principle limits future changes to classes, including divergent change.
Following composition over inheritance will make it easier to create small classes, preventing divergent change.
If a large portion of the class is devoted to instantiating subclasses, try following the dependency inversion principle.
You can use churn to discover which files are changing most frequently. This isn’t a direct relationship, but frequently changed files often have more than one responsibility and thus more than one reason to change.
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