Ruby Science
Uncommunicative Name
Software is run by computers—but written and read by humans. Names provide important information to developers who are trying to understand a piece of code. Patterns and challenges when naming a method or class can also provide clues for refactoring.
- Difficulty understanding a method or class.
- Methods or classes with similar names but dissimilar functionality.
- Redundant names, such as names that include the type of object to which they refer.
In our example application, the SummariesController
generates summaries from a Survey
# app/controllers/summaries_controller.rb
@summaries = @survey.summarize(summarizer)
The summarize
method on Survey
asks each
to summarize
itself using a
# app/models/survey.rb
def summarize(summarizer)
.map do |question|
The summarize
method on Question
gets a
value by calling summarize
on a summarizer, and then builds
a Summary
using that value.
# app/models/question.rb
def summarize(summarizer)
= summarizer.summarize(self)
value, value)
There are several summarizer classes, each of which respond to
If you’re lost, don’t worry: You’re not the only one. The confusing maze of similar names makes this example extremely hard to follow.
See rename method to see how we improve the situation.
- Rename method if a well-factored method isn’t well named.
- Extract class if a class is doing too much to have a meaningful name.
- Extract method if a method is doing too much to have a meaningful name.
- Inline class if a class is too abstract to have a meaningful name.
Ruby Science
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