Ruby Science

Single Responsibility Principle

The Single Responsibility Principle, often abbreviated as “SRP,” was introduced by Uncle Bob Martin, and states:

A class should have only one reason to change.

Classes with fewer responsibilities are more likely to be reusable, easier to understand and faster to test. They are easy to change and require fewer changes after being written.

Although this appears to be a very simple principle, deciding whether or not any two pieces of behavior introduce two reasons to change is difficult, and obeying SRP rigidly can be frustrating.

Reasons to Change

One of the challenges in identifying reasons to change is deciding what granularity to be concerned with.

In our example application, users can invite their friends to take surveys. When an invitation is sent, we encapsulate that invitation in a basic ActiveRecord subclass:

# app/models/invitation.rb
class Invitation < ActiveRecord::Base
  EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i
  STATUSES = %w(pending accepted)

  belongs_to , 'User'


  validates , true, format: EMAIL_REGEX
  validates , { in: STATUSES }

  def to_param

  def deliver
    body =
    Mailer.invitation_notification(self, body).deliver


  def set_token
    self.token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64

Everything in this class has something to do with invitations. We could make the blunt assessment that this class obeys SRP, because it will only change when invitation-related functionality changes. However, looking more carefully at how invitations are implemented, several other reasons to change can be identified:

  • The format of invitation tokens changes.
  • A bug is identified in our validation of email addresses.
  • We need to deliver invitations using some mechanism other than email.
  • Invitations need to be persisted in another way, such as in a NoSQL database.
  • The API for ActiveRecord or ActiveSupport changes during an update.
  • The application switches from Rails to a new framework.

That gives us half a dozen reasons this class might change, leading to the probable conclusion that this class does not follow SRP. So, should this class be refactored?


Not all reasons to change are created equal.

As a developer, you can anticipate likely changes based on your experience—or just common sense. For example, attributes and business rules for invitations are likely to change, so we know that this class will change as invitations evolve in the application.

Regular expressions are powerful but tricky beasts, so it’s likely that we’ll have to adjust our regular expression. It might be nice to encapsulate that somewhere else, such as in a custom validator.

It’s not always helpful to speculate as to what delivery mechanisms may loom in the distant future, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility that we’ll need to send messages using an internal private messaging system, or another service like Facebook or Twitter. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to use dependency injection to remove the details of delivery from this model. This may also make testing easier and make the class easier to understand as a unit, because it will remove distracting details relating to email delivery.

NoSQL databases have their uses, but we have no reason to believe we’ll ever need to move these records into another type of database. ActiveRecord has proven to be a safe and steady default choice, so it’s probably not worth the effort to protect ourselves against that change.

Some of our business logic is expressed using APIs from libraries that could change, such as validations and relationships. We could write our own adapter to protect ourselves from those changes, but the maintenance burden is unlikely to be worth the benefit, and it will make the code harder to understand, since there will be unnecessary indirection between the model and the framework.

Lastly, we could protect our application against framework changes by preventing any business logic from leaking into the framework classes, such as controllers and ActiveRecord models. Again, this would add a thick layer of indirection to protect against an unlikely change.

However, if you’re trying out a new database, object-relational mapper or framework, it may be worth adding some increased protection. The first time you use a new database, you may not be fully confident regarding that decision. Preventing any business logic from mixing with the persistence logic will make it easier to undo that decision and revert to a familiar solution like ActiveRecord in case the new database turns against you.

The less confident you are about a decision, the more you should isolate that decision from the rest of your application.


One of the primary goals of SRP is to promote cohesive classes. The more closely related the methods and properties are to each other, the more cohesive a class is.

Classes with high cohesion are easier to understand, because the pieces fit naturally together. They’re also easier to change and reuse, because they won’t be coupled to any unexpected dependencies.

Following this principle will lead to high cohesion, but it’s important to focus on the output of each change made to follow the principle. If you notice an extra responsibility in a class, think about the benefits of extracting that responsibility. If you think noticeably higher cohesion will be the result, charge ahead. If you think it will simply be a way to spend an afternoon, make a note of it and move on.

Responsibility Magnets

Every application develops a few black holes that like to suck up as much responsibility as possible, slowly turning into God classes.

User is a common responsibility magnet. Generally, each application has a focal point in its user interface that sucks up responsibility as well. Our example application’s main feature allows users to answer questions on surveys, so Survey is a natural junk drawer for behavior.

It’s easy to get sucked into a responsibility magnet by falling prey to “Just-One-More Syndrome.” Whenever you’re about to add a new behavior to an existing class, first check the history of that class. If there are previous commits that show developers attempting to pull functionality out of this class, chances are good that it’s a responsibility over-eater. Don’t feed the problem; add a new class instead.

Tension with Tell, Don’t Ask

Extracting reasons to change can make it harder to follow tell, don’t ask.

For example, consider a Purchase model that knows how to charge a user:

class Purchase
  def charge

This method follows tell, don’t ask, because we can simply tell any Purchase to charge, without examining any state on the Purchase.

However, it violates the SRP, because Purchase has more than one reason to change. If the rules around charging credit cards change or the rules for calculating purchase totals change, this class will have to change.

You can more closely adhere to SRP by extracting a new class for the charge method:

class PurchaseProcessor
  def initialize(purchase, purchaser)
    @purchase = purchase
    @purchaser = purchaser

  def charge
    @purchaser.charge_credit_card @purchase.total_amount

This class can encapsulate rules around charging credit cards and remain immune to other changes, thus following SRP. However, it now violates tell, don’t ask, because it must ask the @purchase for its total_amount in order to place the charge.

These two principles are often at odds with each other and you must make a pragmatic decision about which direction works best for your own classes.


There are a number of drawbacks to following this principle too rigidly:

  • As outlined above, following this principle may lead to violations of tell, don’t ask.
  • This principle causes an increase in the number of classes, potentially leading to shotgun surgery and vocabulary overload.
  • Classes that follow this principle may introduce additional indirection, making it harder to understand high-level behavior by looking at individual classes.


If you find yourself fighting any of these smells, you may want to refactor to follow the SRP:

  • Divergent change doesn’t exist in classes that follow this principle.
  • Classes following this principle are easy to reuse, reducing the likelihood of Duplicated code.
  • Large classes almost certainly have more than one reason to change. Following this principle eliminates most large classes.

Code containing these smells may need refactoring before it can follow this principle:

  • Case statements make this principle difficult to follow, as every case statement introduces a new reason to change.
  • Long methods make it harder to extract concerns, as behavior can only be moved once it’s encapsulated in a small, cohesive method.
  • Mixins, Single-table inheritance, and inheritance in general make it harder to follow this principle, as the boundary between parent and child class responsibilities is always fuzzy.

These solutions may be useful on the path towards SRP:

Following composition over inheritance and the dependency inversion principle may make SRP easier to follow, as those principles make it easier to extract responsibilities. Following this principle will make it easier to follow the open-closed principle but may introduce violations of tell, don’t ask.

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