This Week in Open Source (November 3, 2023)

Three weeks of updates are what we have in today’s edition of This Week in Open Source. My favorite is the MAJOR Rails upgrade to the Ruby Science example app. That whole process was live streamed and you can watch it here. I may or may not have made an appearance in said stream. 👀

A handy list of repos that received contributions:


Administrate is a framework for creating flexible, powerful admin dashboards in Rails.

jubilee2 added displaying collection_attributesfor the has_many association (21c5288).


thoughtbot dotfiles is a set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux configuration files.

Steve Polito (stevepolitodesign) introduced railsrc in an effort to prepare for the eventual removal of the suspenders executable (5339ddd).


factory_bot is a library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.

Peter Boling (pboling) and Alexandre Ruban (alexandreruban) added support for UUID primary keys in build_stubbed (9b9b24f).


factory_bot_rails provides Rails integration for factory_bot.

Yudai Takada (ydah) fixed a typo in a feature test (fd1ca67).


GoldMiner is a tool for finding interesting messages in a Slack channel and turning them into a blog post for the thoughtbot blog.

Matheus Richard (MatheusRich) fixed a typo (9702a02), introduced Gold Miner distributors which allow customizing how we deliver blog posts (b76f0cc), refactored the GoldMiner module into a class (d9cf295), and rewrote the GoldMiner main entrypoint (9f6301d).


Paperback is a tool to standardize and streamline eBook production.

Chad Pytel (cpytel) replaced ImageMagick and RMagick with vips and ruby-vips (ade7ccc).

Ruby Science

This repo contains our book, Ruby Science, the reference for writing fantastic Rails applications.

Chad Pytel (cpytel) has updated the content and examples for an updated 2023 version, which has now been released.

He removed old releases and updated for the latest (d094949), updated the README for 2023 changes (dc08a07), and updated the example app README for Rails 7 and Ruby 3.2.2 (165bd53).

He also upgraded the example app to Rails 7 and Ruby 3.2.2 (28141fd). The upgrade was live streamed over the course of 3 weeks with support from developers across the company, including yours truly. You can watch the series on thoughtbot’s Youtube.


Superglue is a tool that helps you use classic Rails to build rich React Redux applications with NO APIs and NO client-side routing.

Johny Ho (jho406) updated the flash doc (a40081f).

thoughtbot design system

thoughtbot design system (tbds) is the design system for thoughtbot websites.

dependabot[bot] bumped the versions of sass (6b202d5) (1ad6558) and stylelint (2c9b701).


Upcase is a Rails application deployed to Heroku designed to help sharpen your programming skills.

Chad Pytel (cpytel) updated the support email in .sample.env (0001edd).

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