This Week in Open Source (September 14, 2023)

The past fortnight saw a new version release of one of our most popular gems!🎉
Also, a major theme I noticed during this time is: “Versions! Upgrades, backwards compatibility, and compliance!”

Contributions were made to the following projects: Administrate, factory_bot, factory_bot_rails, thoughtbot’s Guides, and thoughtbot’s stylelint Config.


Administrate is a framework for creating flexible, powerful admin dashboards in Rails.

Marwan Rabbâa (waghanza) enabled Rails 7 on CI (8daf880).

Nick Charlton (nickcharlton) added GitHub Actions as an ecosystem for Dependabot to help keep on top of Actions versions (3b78c41).

Lorenzo Zabot (Uaitt) bumped the version of Github actions/checkout (a264b3c).

dependabot[bot] bumped the versions of github/codeql-action (7d497cd), globalid (024274b), pg (be3f0a5), webmock (0326411), activesupport (2c23e6e), timecop (e00d692), and faker (3439be6).


factory_bot is a library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.

Mike Burns (mike-burns) cut factory_bot version 6.3.0 (3585b46)! 🎉
Release notes can be found here. You can read more about this new version in a blog post here.

Sean Doyle (seanpdoyle) documented integration with Ruby 2.7 numbered block parameters and 3.0 Hash literal value omission (8f4f899).


factory_bot_rails provides Rails integration for factory_bot.

Caleb Hearth (calebhearth) added projections.json for Rails.vim support (659d74a).

Sean Doyle (seanpdoyle) added validations to reject sequence definitions for Active Record primary keys by default (0040292).

Mike Burns (mike-burns) fixed a CI bug that resulted from Bundler 2.4.19 removing the “Using ” lines (a28bec8).


thoughtbot’s Guides for working together, getting things done, programming well, and programming in style.

Dorian Marié (dorianmarie) and Louis Antonopoulos (louis-antonopoulos) rewrote and reformatted “Working Together” for readability and clarity (e9c3da0).

thoughtbot stylelint Config

thoughtbot stylelint Config is a sharable stylelint configuration that enforces thoughtbot’s Sass guides.

Silumesii Maboshe (smaboshe) added Dependabot for dependency checking (b603ec5).

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