This Week in Open Source (August 14, 2023)

It’s been a minute since our last update. I like to think of “This Week” as more of a guideline rather than a strict rule.

Folks were busy the past few weeks and we saw updates to Art Vandelay, Administrate, Flightdeck, Shoulda Matchers, Shoulda, Shoulda Context, thoughtbot’s dotfiles, thoughtbot’s ESLint Config, FormProps, and AWS Database Modules for Terraform.

Two of which saw new versions cut. Read on to find out which ones!

Art Vandelay

Art Vandelay is an importer/exporter for Rails 6.0 and higher.

Steve Polito (stevepolitodesign) added a CODEOWNERS file to make it more clear who is responsible for Art Vandelay (7b26cbd).


Administrate is a framework for creating flexible, powerful admin dashboards in Rails.

Pablo Brasero (pablobm) fixed a WebDrivers/Chrome version issue (852b62c).

David (davqasd) updated database columns repesenting prices to use decimal instead of float (412dab8).


Flightdeck provides Terraform modules for rapidly building production-grade Kubernetes clusters following SRE practices.

Clarissa Lima Borges (clarissalimab) fixed matchers for Alertmanager routing rules (f86e48f).

Shoulda Matchers

Shoulda Matchers provides simple one-liner tests for common Rails functionality.

Pedro Paiva (VSPPedro) followed suit with curl, Rails, and others and removed years from the copyright statement (783a905).


Shoulda helps you write more understandable, maintainable Rails-specific tests under Minitest and Test::Unit.

Pedro Paiva (VSPPedro) removed years from the copyright statement, in line with the same update to Shoulda Matchers above (6a19c6d).

Shoulda Context

Shoulda Context makes it easy to write understandable and maintainable tests under Minitest and Test::Unit within Rails projects or plain Ruby projects.

Pedro Paiva (VSPPedro) kept things consistent in the Shoulda world and removed years from the copyright statement (7e406af).


thoughtbot dotfiles is a set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux configuration files.

Stefanni Brasil (stefannibrasil) and Mina Slater (minaslater) added a convenient command to fetch a PR from an upstream remote repo with only the PR number and name of the local branch (155e855).

$ co-upstream-pr 001 test_generator_pr

Stefanni and Tyson Gach (tysongach) removed a git checkout PR alias since the command is now part of GitHub CLI (00db026).

ESLint Config

thoughtbot ESLint Config is a batteries-included sharable ESLint configurations for React, React Native, TypeScript, and Node.js that enforce thoughtbot’s JavaScript guides.

Stephen Hanson (stevehanson) updated the TypeScript peerDependency to allow earlier versions of TS (dc2845b) and bumped the gem’s version to 1.0.1 (a0ec874).
He also allowed using void keyword with promises (977cdd1) and cut version 1.0.2 (12fce57).

dependabot[bot] bumped the versions for word-wrap (6a080d5) and semver (a74d81d).

🎉 Release notes can be found here.


FormProps is a Rails form builder that outputs HTML props instead of tags. Now you can enjoy the power and convenience of Rails helpers in React!

Johny Ho (jho406) made some variable name updates that fall in line with the library’s focus on React (68d6fec) and cut a new version (449f0a6). 🎉

AWS Database Modules for Terraform

AWS Database Modules for Terraform provides Terraform modules to provision databases on AWS.

Olamide (OlamideOl1) added a module for creating a Kafka cluster using AWS managed streaming for Kafka service (MSK) (b7fce4e).
He also enabled custom kms encryption for Elasticache and RDS (a425532).

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