Taming a Supercar I recently switched to MacVim for front-end development. Coming from Panic... Phil LaPier May 20, 2011 Design Vim
A tmux Crash Course Learn everything you need to be productive in tmux. Josh Clayton January 18, 2011 tmux Unix Vim
Love, Hate, & tmux Many at thoughtbot run their editor+shell combos inside of tmux. Some remote... Dan Croak December 10, 2010 tmux Unix Vim
Set Your Mouse Free Seeing that I refuse to be tied down by the shackles of corded peripherals, I... Tristan Dunn November 4, 2010 Vim OS X Unix
How Grep Got its Name How did grep get its name? This all starts back with ed, the original unix... Mike Burns July 28, 2010 Vim Unix
Intro to Vim for Rails Development Someone recently asked us to do “vim on Rails” screencasts. So, we’re... Dan Croak August 19, 2009 News Web Vim Rails
Integrating Vim Into Your Life More tips from thoughtbot about using vim, but this time with an emphasis on... Mike Burns April 8, 2009 Vim Unix
2009 Rubyist's Guide To A Mac OS X Development Environment Update: A better approach is detailed in Laptop Setup for an Awesome... Dan Croak March 30, 2009 Web Ruby Vim OS X