tmux does one thing and does it well as any unix tool should, but that doesn’t mean you should stop there.
We’ve got some big news about our online learning platform Upcase, and we think you’re gonna love it!
Upgrade to Tmux if you’re already using Screen to multiplex your terminal.
Master your terminal workflow with the new Upcase tmux Course.
A minimal technique for using tmux to help achieve maximum focus.
(And Keep Your Screen Real Estate)
As you may know, there are...
When I first started working at thoughtbot, I was impressed to see some of my...
tmux recently updated to version 1.8, and with the update came a new command...
My tmux session for a given project typically has two horizontal tmux panes...
Update (Jul1 19, 2013) - tmux 1.8 is out, and with it comes a simplified...