Each acceptance test tells a story: a logical progression through a task...
Learn one simple way to speed up your tests with the factory_bot gem!
Use Segment.io’s Ruby library to track usage patterns within a Rails application.
A few months ago my colleague Josh Steiner wrote a comprehensive post on How...
Walk through a refactoring of Ruby on Rails test code
and observe lessons in Rails idioms,
setting up only necessary test data,
and extracting methods.
Split your spec_helper.rb
file into a
minimal spec_helper.rb
file and a rails_helper.rb
to load only the necessary dependencies in a spec.
This is now the default in Rails.
Using Specta, Expecta, and OCMock, we’ll take a look at how we can test-drive our iOS apps in Objective-C.
Announcing the latest version of Shoulda Matchers,
now ready for Rails 4.1.
Step-by-step instructions for learning Test-Driven Development (TDD) in Ruby.
There’s nothing to fear!
It’s fun.
How to use Capybara’s wait_for_ajax