Acceptance Tests at a Single Level of Abstraction

Josh Clayton

Each acceptance test tells a story: a logical progression through a task within an application. As developers, it’s our responsibility to tell each story in a concise manner and to keep the reader (either other developers or our future selves) engaged, aware of what is happening, and understanding of the purpose of the story.

At the heart of understanding the story being told is a consistent, single level of abstraction; that is, each piece of behavior is roughly similar in terms of functionality extracted and its overall purpose.

An example of multiple levels of abstraction

Let’s first focus on an example of how not to write an acceptance test by writing a test at multiple levels of abstraction.

# spec/features/user_marks_todo_complete_spec.rb
feature "User marks todo complete" do
  scenario "updates todo as completed" do
    create_todo "Buy milk"

    find(".todos li", text: "Buy milk").click_on "Mark complete"

    expect(page).to have_css(".todos li.completed", text: "Buy milk")

  def create_todo(name)
    click_on "Add new todo"
    fill_in "Name", with: name
    click_on "Submit"

Let’s focus on the scenario. We’ve followed the four-phase test, separating each step:

scenario "updates todo as completed" do
  # setup
  create_todo "Buy milk"

  # exercise
  find(".todos li", text: "Buy milk").click_on "Mark complete"

  # verify
  expect(page).to have_css(".todos li.completed", text: "Buy milk")

  # teardown not needed

To prepare for testing that marking a todo complete works, we sign in and create a todo to mark complete. Once the todo is complete, we find it on the page and click the ‘Mark complete’ anchor tag associated with it. Finally, we ensure the same <li> is present, this time with a completed class.

From a behavior standpoint, this touches on each part of the app necessary to verify marking a todo as complete works; however, there are varying levels of abstraction in this test between the setup phase and exercise/verify phases. There are Capybara methods (find and have_css) interspersed with helper methods (sign_in and create_todo) which force developers to switch from user-level needs and outcomes to page-specific interactions like checking for presence of specific elements with CSS selectors.

An example of a single level of abstraction

Let’s now look at a scenario written at a single level of abstraction:

feature "User marks todo complete" do
  scenario "updates todo as completed" do
    create_todo "Buy milk"

    mark_complete "Buy milk"

    expect(page).to have_completed_todo "Buy milk"

  def create_todo(name)
    click_on "Add new todo"
    fill_in "Name", with: name
    click_on "Submit"

  def mark_complete(name)
    find(".todos li", text: name).click_on "Mark complete"

  def have_completed_todo(name)
    have_css(".todos li.completed", text: name)

This spec follows the Composed Method pattern, discussed in Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, wherein each piece of functionality is extracted to well-named methods. Each method should be written at a single level of abstraction.

While we’re still following the four-phase test, the clarity provided by reducing the number of abstractions is obvious. There’s largely no context-switching as a developer reads the test because there’s no interspersion of Capybara helper methods with our methods (sign_in, create_todo mark_complete, and have_completed_todo).

The most common ways to introduce a single level of abstraction are to extract behavior to helper methods (either within the spec or to a separate file if the behavior is used across the suite) or to extract page objects.

The cost of going down the path of high-level helpers across a suite isn’t nonexistent, however; by extracting behavior to files outside the spec (especially as the suite grows and similar patterns emerge), the page interactions are separated from the tests themselves, which reduces cohesion.

Maintaining a single level of abstraction is a tool in every developer’s arsenal to help achieve clear, understandable tests. By extracting behavior to well-named methods, the developer can better tell the story of each scenario by describing behaviors consistently and at a high enough level that others will understand the goal and outcomes of the test.