factory_girl is becoming factory_bot.
Your test suite used to be lightning fast but now it’s starting to feel a bit sluggish. Before adding CI parallelization, let’s see if there’s any clutter to remove.
We’re experimenting with running feature specs using Chrome’s new headless mode. How do we set it up, and how does it compare to Capybara-WebKit?
How to test integrations with a third-party API.
ExMachina 2.0 brings new features and functions for easier testing.
Improve test readability by leveraging RSpec’s matcher composition to make multiple assertions with a single matcher.
You signed up for a usability test…but what the heck is a usability test?
How to use subdomains in your feature specs.
AccessLint runs accessibility tests in your CI suite and alerts you of WCAG
2.0 and Section 508 violations, before you release to production.
Learn how to build a blazing fast Phoenix API. Updated for Phoenix 1.2.