Step-by-step instructions for learning Test-Driven Development (TDD) in Ruby.
There’s nothing to fear!
It’s fun.
How to use Capybara’s wait_for_ajax
We use RSpec feature and specs heavily,
controller and view specs more judiciously,
FactoryBot for test data,
JavaScript integration specs with Poltergeist or Capybara Webkit,
like test doubles and test spies but not test mocks,
and we stub external requests with Webmock.
Capybara Webkit 1.1.0 has been released and it contains some great new...
xUnit Test Patterns defines the System Under Test (SUT) as:
whatever class,...
Using Rack middleware, we can reroute Rack::Test requests to
fake remote...
Occasionally, somebody recommends or asks about using FactoryBot to generate...
Internationalization (i18n) is the process of adapting computer software to...
Requests to external services during test runs can cause several issues:
A Null Object is a drop in replacement for one of the other objects in your...