Write good commit messages by blaming others To write good commit messages, you must read commit messages. And to read commit messages, you must use git blame effectively. German Velasco September 3, 2018 Git Vim DevTools Tools Productivity
How to Git with Unity A developer’s guide to using Git with Unity projects. Rick Reilly June 21, 2017 Unity Git VR
Tell Me When It Closes: Bookmarklet Tired of copying and pasting GitHub URLs for Tell Me When It Closes? We’ve got you covered. Matt Sumner May 9, 2017 News Git Tools Productivity
Tell Me When It Closes Introducing our new service - get notified when something closes on GitHub without getting lost in noisy discussions. Chris Toomey March 28, 2017 News Git
GIT PUSH && GIT PAID We’re pushing some new swag. Come git it! Mike Borsare April 21, 2016 Git Swag Design Fun
Rebuilding Git in Ruby From zero to commit! Let’s rebuild Git with a more familiar approach for Rails developers to get a better understanding on how Git works under the hood. Joël Quenneville March 14, 2016 Git Ruby
Send A Patch To Someone Using `git format-patch` Use Git’s built-in functionality for sharing a patch without a centralized server. Prem Sichanugrist February 25, 2016 Git
Beyond the Basics: Mastering Git How do you break out of beginner-level Git? And is it worth it? Ben Orenstein December 16, 2015 News Git Vim Upcase
Git to the source Find the original commit that introduced a line of code. Ian C. Anderson October 7, 2015 Git