GIT PUSH && GIT PAID. It’s what all of us do everyday. We’re proud of it and figure you are too. So we’re selling an exclusive shirt on Cotton Bureau for $30. There’s also a sweatshirt if you’re feeling chilly. It’s $45. Both of these are only available for 14 days, so make sure you grab one before May 4th!
The cool thing about this shirt is the artwork. ASCII characters meet brush script and the result is pure greatness. The typography is composed of ASCII characters in a nod to the terminal. “Git Push” is made of >‘s whose rightward point represents forward momentum, action, and getting things done. “Git Paid” is made of $’s because, well, you know, CA$H. Check out the detail below.

Oh, just one thing. Cotton Bureau works by setting a minimum number of shirts that need to be sold before printing. So, we need your help to meet the minimum order of 12 and ensure this design becomes a reality. If 12 aren’t sold don’t worry. No one is charged any money and the shirt isn’t printed. It’s a bummer, but no one is out anything.
Act now!
Once at least 12 shirts have been ordered, our awesome design will be printed on the softest tri-blend black shirts and sweatshirts. It’s available in both men’s and women’s fits. It also features “radioactive green” accents that are sure to impress.
Rep your love for shipping great software and grab this shirt today on Cotton Bureau.