Don't Review PRs Like a Space Wizard Finding more persuasive, less manipulative ways to give pull request feedback. Chris White May 8, 2023 Code Review Communication
Translating Code Through Context How to use context to read code written by a different programmer, and read/write code in different programming language from your main language. Crystal Williams-Brown April 25, 2023 Code Review Translation Interpretation Context Programming Language Reading Translating Interpreting
Keep Autogenerated Files Synced Have you ever tried to find a bug that only exists in staging, and no one knows why? That’s not nice at all. Jonas Meinerz September 21, 2020 Continuous Integration Code Review Git Bundler Yarn NPM Rails
5 Tips for More Helpful Code Reviews Having your code reviewed can be daunting. But it can also be very helpful. As reviewers, we can make the difference. Here are five tips to make your code reviews more helpful to the author. German Velasco December 31, 2019 Code Review Process