Mocking and faking external dependencies in elixir tests

Wil Hall

During some recent work on thoughtbot’s company announcement app Constable, I ran into a situation where I was introducing a new service object that made external requests. When unit testing, it is easy enough to use some straightforward mocks to avoid making external requests. However, for tests unrelated to the service object, how can we mock out external requests without littering those tests with explicit mocks?

Unit testing using mocks

To set the stage, let’s take a look at what a hypothetical service object that makes an external request might look like:

defmodule App.Services.WebService do
  def make_request do

And if we were to write a unit test for this service object, we would want to mock out the external request (in this case, the call to HTTPoison.get!/1). To do that, we might use a library like Mock:

defmodule App.Services.WebServiceTest do
  import Mock
  alias App.Services.WebService

  describe "#make_request" do
    test ". . ."
      # setup . . .

      get_mock = fn _url, _params, _headers ->
          body: ". . .",
          status_code: 200

      response =
        Mock.with_mock HTTPoison, get!: get_mock do

      # assertions . . .

Where it gets tricky

Mocking is exactly what we want when unit testing the service object, but if we have an unrelated unit tests that run code which happens to use our service object, we want to ensure that no external requests are made when running our test suite.

As an example, we might have a module that utilizes our service object:

defmodule SomeModule
  alias App.Services.WebServiceTest

  def do_something
    . . .
    response = WebServiceTest.make_request()
    . . .

If we were testing this object and in our test we called SomeModule.do_something/0, we would inadvertently be making an external request. It would be incorrect to mock HTTPoison.get!/1 in this test because that’s an implementation detail of our service object. And while we could mock WebServiceTest.make_request/0, that will lead to a lot of noise in our tests.

Let’s create a fake

One way we can get around this issue is to create a fake version of our service object which has the same public interface, but returns fake data. That object might look like:

defmodule App.Services.FakeWebService do
  def make_request do
    %HTTPoison.Response{body: ". . .", status_code: 200}

We want to utilize this fake by making our application code use WebService unless we are testing, in which case we want to use FakeWebService.

A common way to accomplish this is to have three modules: WebService, WebServiceImplementation, and WebServiceFake. Everyone calls methods on WebService which then delegates to WebServiceImplementation when not testing, or to WebServiceFake when testing. I don’t particularly like this pattern, because it requires an extra object and introduces complexity.

A much more simple and flexible solution is to use a form of dependency injection where we dynamically refer to our service object which is either the real service or the fake. There is a great elixir module called pact which accomplishes this by creating a dependency registry which allows us to define named dependencies, but conditionally switch out the actual value they resolve to.

Using pact, we define a dependency registry for our application:

defmodule App.Pact do
  use Pact
  alias App.Services.WebService

  register :web_service, WebService


And then we want to redefine that dependency to be our fake when we run our tests. The following code, either in a test helper or in some setup that occurs before all tests, will accomplish that:

App.Pact.register(:web_service, FakeWebService)

Finally, all calls to WebService.make_request() in our application and tests become App.Pact.get(:web_service).make_request(). The one exception to this is in our unit test for WebService itself - we want to test the actual service object! So we should still explicitly call WebService.make_request().

Keeping the fake up to date

This approach is good, but there is one problem: if the public interface of our real service object changes, we also have to update the fake. This may be acceptable; after all, it would likely cause a runtime test failure if the public interface of the fake differed from the real service object. But there is an easy way to make the compiler do more work for us.

Using behaviors we can specify a public interface that both the real service object and the fake must conform to. This can give us more confidence that we’re always keeping the two in sync with each other.

Let’s define a module describing the behavior of our service object:

defmodule App.Services.WebServiceProvider do
  @callback make_request() :: HTTPoison.Response.t()

And then we can adopt that behavior in our service object and fake:

defmodule App.Services.WebService do
  alias App.Services.WebServiceProvider
  @behavior WebServiceProvider

  @impl WebServiceProvider
  def make_request do

. . .

defmodule App.Services.FakeWebService do
  alias App.Services.WebServiceProvider

  @impl WebServiceProvider
  def make_request do
    %HTTPoison.Response{body: ". . .", status_code: 200}

Final thoughts

This approach is great when we want pure unit testing, and our goal is to avoid any external requests. The pact library even allows us to replace dependencies in a block, rather than permanently:

App.Pact.replace :web_service, FakeWebService do
  . . .

This can be an invaluable alternative to mocking a dependency for all tests, and may be preferable if we want to be very explicit about what is mocked in each test while still allowing us to easily make use of our fake.

For integration tests or more complex services where we want to test the full service-to-service interaction, we may want to consider building our own mock server instead of replacing the external service with a fake.