I recently upgraded Postgres on my development machine from 9.1.4 to 9.2.1.
How do I learn Ruby on Rails? Vim? Test-Driven Development?
Someone asks...
How to reduce postgres output noise.
As it turns out, PostgreSQL has a number of ways of storing loosely...
Come say hi if you are at postgresql west conference.
Backup a production Heroku Postgres database to a staging environment.
This following week, PostgreSQL Conf East will take place in New York City....
Know the Postgres index types such as multicolumn indexes and partial indexes,
don’t over-index,
use more joins,
prefer INNER JOINs,
understand the EXPLAIN output,
and don’t try to optimize on your development machine.
How to use ajax in search and filter features on your web site.
Thoughts on safe indexes to add to Rails app databases.