Introducing Liftoff 1.0 for iOS projects.
It is now distributed through Homebrew and has some nice new features.
Write less form-related code in your Capybara tests with
our newly open-sourced library, Formulaic.
Paperclip 4.0 and 4.1 contain security fixes to prevent spoofing.
A content type or filename validation is also now required.
Announcing a new open source library, gitsh, for running Git in a
dedicated shell.
Announcing a new open source library, rcm, for managing dotfiles.
For several years, there have been two ways of getting in touch with us for...
We were recently informed of a security vulnerability in
cocaine, our gem for...
(And Keep Your Screen Real Estate)
As you may know, there are...
Leadership is often defined as having the ability to make others want to do...
One way to make tests faster is to no load and submit the sign in form during...