In August, our training program hits the road at Lone Star Ruby Conf in Austin, TX. Registration for our September Ruby on Rails training is also now open. It marks our one-year anniversary of running Ruby on Rails training classes!
We’ve learned as much as our students. I’d like to focus on one area: slides.
Problems with slides
The format of our class is workshop-oriented, with lectures leading into each workshop. Over time, the lectures built up an arsenal of over 1150 slides.
No portability, not open source
The slides were all in Keynote but not everyone at thoughtbot is on OS X.
Achieving beautiful syntax highlighting involved a dance of writing the code in Textmate, then copying as RTF using Dr. Nic’s bundle.
Changing our design of the slides would be painful. We use master slides, but this could be better.
Not executable
If we wanted to run the code, we had to copy it back into an editor or shell to run it. Sometimes there are hidden characters that come along for the ride. Ruby freaks out on these characters.
No regression suite
Slides tend to be error-prone and we don’t have a regression test suite for it.
Format conversion
Delivering PDFs to students is time-consuming since the rate of change for slides is high and the conversion-and-sharing process is slow.
Versions are non-existent. Trying to maintain Keynote slides in git, our preferred version control system, is good for backups but bad for diffs. There may be better tools out there for versioning these kind of files, but why bother? I’d rather use our familiar file-based tool.
A few weeks ago, I began converting Keynote slides into Markdown. The process is
simple: run *.md
files through
slidedown by Pat Nakajima.
gem install slidedown
Create some slides quickly and easily:
## why automated tests?
![Quizzical puppy](/images/quizzical_puppy.png)
* prevent regressions
* prove functionality with executable code
* enable refactoring
* think about the interface before implemenation
Then convert:
slidedown --template=import > tdd.html
Open source, familiar tools
This generates HTML markup that can be manipulated in the usual way: CSS for style and Javascript for behavior (transitions).
We can continue using git. Look at this beautiful diff!
Integration with business processes
We looked at the PDF conversion process as a business process problem. I had been scp'ing HTML syllabuses and PDFs to one of our servers and pointing students to that URL. This was a lightweight solution at the beginning that hasn’t scaled well over time.
Now that the core materials have been converted to our most-natural formats, we decided to create a legitimate training application.
class SlideshowsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate, :authorize
def show
if file_exists?(file)
render :file => file
render :nothing => true, :status => 404 and return false
def file
File.join(directory, "#{params[:id]}.html")
def directory
File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "app", "views", "slideshows")
def file_exists?(path)
Using a similar pattern that we use for PagesController
(static pages like
about and contact us) and using
Clearance for authentication, we
quickly had the start to our application.
The possibilities from here are many… automated tests?
We hope to bring together more business processes that have grown out of the training program over the last year into a system based on tools that we use every day.
Visit our Open Source page to learn more about our team’s contributions.