Live Pitch Deck Review Event

Lindsey Christensen

Pitch decks are essential tools for any entrepreneur seeking funding or aiming to attract investors. They provide a concise overview of your business, showcasing your products, services, goals, and strategies.

Banner image with event details

thoughtbot is teaming up with other early stage startup experts from Forecastr, DocSend, and Startup Stack to provide live pitch feedback to 3 different startup founders, and you’re invited. The pitch judges will be providing guidance to help them hone a pitch that leaves a lasting impact on investors and gets results. The application to pitch is still open if you want to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

Whether you’re a startup founder or an aspiring entrepreneur, this event is a great opportunity to learn how to create or refine an effective and engaging pitch deck and pitch with confidence.

Event details

  • February 28
  • 2 - 3PM ET
  • Virtual event

Whether you are giving a pitch or just attending to learn, we hope to see you there, register today!