Introducing the Product Design Sprint Kit by thoughtbot!

Rami Taibah and Ferdia Kenny

Have you got the next game changing idea? Do you think it could become a great product? Have you always wanted to start your own business but you just don’t know where to begin?

Well look no further! We are delighted to introduce the Product Design Sprint Kit by thoughtbot! This step-by-step YouTube video guide allows you to follow along with our design experts as they teach you the first steps you need to take to turn that brilliant idea into a reality. And best of all, it’s completely free!

What is a Product Design Sprint?

A Product Design Sprint (or PDS for short) is a time-constrained process designed to take an idea and turn it into a user validated solution in just five days. It involves teams working together across functions to ideate, prototype, and test concepts with real users. This ensures a user-centred approach to design and innovation.

A PDS is particularly useful for companies in the early stages of business or product development when they are unsure about their idea or how to get started building it.

By compressing the design and testing phases into a short timeframe, product design sprints enable rapid iteration and decision-making, helping teams to efficiently explore ideas, reduce the risk of building the wrong solution and gather valuable user feedback before committing significant resources to building the solution.

What is the Product Design Sprint Kit?

The PDS Kit is a set of resources with an accompanying video playlist curated by the design experts at thoughtbot. By reading the resources and watching the videos you will be able to prepare, organise and run your very own Product Design Sprint with your team and validate your big idea.

Sprints can be tough and difficult to run and learn at the same time. To help with the learning aspect, we even run a pretend PDS alongside you in each of the videos, using a fictitious Travel App company, so that you can see what the output of each exercise looks like.

Do you want a sneak peak of what a PDS with thoughtbot can produce in just 5 days? Check out this prototype of the fictitious travel app.

Hint: Toggle between the three different flows in the toolbar on the left or hit “R” on your keyboard to take you back to the start of a flow.

If you need help getting your Sprint setup, please feel free to contact us or schedule a chat in on our consulting office hours. So what are you waiting for? Put that idea to the test today with the PDS Kit by thoughtbot!