Data Science in Healthcare Event: Separating fact from fiction

Lindsey Christensen

Last year, Ashley Holmes shared her Data Scientist jobsearch in a LinkedIN post that went mini-viral. 467 likes and 79 comments later, she had hundreds of recruiters DMing her with job listings.

Trained and self-identifying as a Data Scientist, she had most recently worked as a Data Engineer at athenahealth and before that conducted research in the healthcare systems science and engineering space. After her LinkedIN post, companies and recruiters far and wide reached out to her with Healthcare Data Scientist roles. What became clear fairly quickly was that most of these companies didn’t actually understand what data science is, and due to that misunderstanding, lacked vision for how it can contribute to achieving their missions. This lack of vision leads to an unfulfilling work environment and wasted resources.

Ashley is going to join me for an online event to talk about why Data Science in Healthcare is the hot trend that needs some recalibration

Data Science in Healthcare event

In this live, virtual fireside chat we’ll discuss:

  • Common misconceptions about data science in healthcare
  • Data Science vs Data Engineering vs Data Analytics
  • How the above concentrations map to roles
  • Valuable applications of data science in healthcare
  • Common tools and methods
  • Ashley’s personal career journey and insights

This event is ideal for:

  • Healthcare teams considering hiring a 1st data scientist or expanding their team
  • Data Science teams struggling to define their role in the company
  • Folks interested in data science roles

Join us October 15th, 12 - 1p ET for the live discussion or sign up to access the recording. We’ll be taking pre-submitted and live questions from the audience, so let us know where you’re at in your data science journey and what challenges you’re facing.

Sign up today!