The presenter pattern is a handy design approach that sits between your views and models, helping you keep your code organized by handling view-specific logic in a clean and maintainable way.
Let’s explore how to use it you your rails app.
Need to fetch the opposite data for an existing ActiveRecord query? Rails invert_where makes it effortless, but be careful with the side effects.
How to create flexible and maintainable static data for your Rails application using static_association.
Rails supports writing Capybara tests out of the box since the 5.1 release in the form of system tests. This means you no longer need to configure database cleaning strategies or have webdriver configuration files with hard-to-understand configuration settings.
This article explores how to migrate Feature specs in an existing Rails app to the default System specs.
Not all decisions need the same amount of analysis before being made.
Some are easily reversible and should be made fast.
While others have long-lasting effects and require careful planning before being made.
This article explores the difference between selenium and rack_test and how to leverage them to speed up your tests.
Notre équipe de DevOps, SRE & Cloud Platform s'entretient avec le directeur technique de thoughtbot, Joe Ferris, sur des questions relatives aux pratiques d'intégration et de livraison continue chez thoughtbot et la manière dont elles ont évolué au fil du temps.
Comment nous soutenons nos clients avec une formation RSpec unique pour vous.
Un test à quatre phases est un test qui se déroule en quatre phases successives : initialisation, exécution, assertion et finalisation. C'est une approche qui permet de découpler les différentes étapes d'un test et de rendre les tests plus lisibles.