Complexity of cloud infrastructure got you down? Heroku not cutting it for SOC2 compliance? Here’s how our Flightdeck platform can rapidly get you up and running on a production-ready Kubernetes cluster complete with autoscaling, security best practices, and minimal headaches.
Running tests and managing deployments can be a tediously manual process or overwhelming to automate with all the available platforms and tools to choose from. We at thoughtbot want to share how our process has made CI/CD simple and enjoyable.
Our DevOps, SRE & Cloud Platform team talks with thoughtbot CTO Joe Ferris about questions related to continuous integration and continuous delivery practices at thoughtbot and how they have evolved over time.
La Diversité, Équité et Inclusion (DEI) fait partie des valeurs fondamentales de thoughtbot. À mesure que nous rencontrons des réticences concernant ces principes, il est important d'expliquer pourquoi nous faisons ces choix et pourquoi cela nous démarque d'une culture tech toxique qui est toujours d'actualité.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is part of thoughtbot’s core values. As we encounter critiques of these principles, it is important to explain why we do what we do and why it sets us apart from toxic tech culture that still lives true today.