A guide on how to position an element in CSS is sometimes really a choice about what side effects are most acceptable.
Writing semantic markup for the web.
The relationship between semantic markup and layout.
Whitespace is probably the most under-appreciated yet impactful part of a good design.
An overview of typography as a element of design for the web.
The ebb and flow of skeuomorphism and how to effectively use it in your design.
Balance is another great example of how viewers give physical dimensions to non-physical things. Balance is usually described as how “heavy” elements feel to the viewer according to how elements are arranged.
We occupy three-dimensional space. Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s dangerous, but that is where we live and it influences how our brains are accustomed to interacting with the world.
Color is such a fundamental part of how humans understand the world that we often overlook how it is processed and why it influences us.
Designing websites is an interdisciplinary practice of Visual, UI, and UX design.