We’re shifting our focus to more inclusive platforms that foster meaningful conversations. Learn how to stay connected with us through places like our blog, newsletter, Mastodon, Bluesky, LinkedIn, GitHub and RSS.
The Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast and The Bike Shed are now available on YouTube podcasts and YouTube Music.
We remain committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, not only as a moral imperative, but because having a diverse team with different experiences and perspectives doesn’t hinder productivity. It makes us more successful.
Sami Birnbaum joins our Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots podcast as a regular co-host alongside Will Larry and Chad Pytel.
We’ve reimplemented our blog’s related article recommendation system using modern artificial intelligence techniques. The system is cheaper, more performant, and produces better results.
Don’t over-engineer. While there are some AI tasks that are better suited for Python, using a Ruby gem and some API calls will do the job for most cases.
We’ve created a guide to help ensure our values are applied to the Artificial Intelligence solutions we build.
We’ve updated Ruby Science, the reference for creating fantastic Rails applications, and it’s now available on the web in addition to EPUB and PDF.
I’ve been upgrading an old Rails 3.2 app and Ruby 2.0 doesn’t work on Apple Silicon. I solved it with full virtualization of x86-64.
We have a lot of internal and external documentation about how we do things at thoughtbot. I explored how we could make ChatGPT able to answer people’s questions using this documentation. This articles shows how to do it and the results.