This Week in Open Source

Hello, and welcome once again to a view of the recent past. In this “week” in open source, we’ll be covering about a month’s worth of content between the end of March and mid April. Enjoy these less than timely updates and look forward to a world where I’m producing these updates closer to present day. 🀣

The following projects were contributed to between March 22nd and April 19th:


Administrate is a framework for creating flexible, powerful admin dashboards in Rails.

Jeanine Soterwood (littleforest) updated the contributing guide with the command to start server (d92b138).

dependabot[bot] bumped the versions of faker (69219ea), (d282107), selenium-webdriver (64dc40d), and sentry-ruby (a50f895).


Appraisal is a Ruby library for testing your library against different versions of dependencies.

Joe Sharp (joe-sharp) fixed the extra new line when customising gemfiles (f5e31c4).

AWS Database Modules for Terraform

AWS Database Modules for Terraform provides Terraform modules to provision databases on AWS.

Olamide (OlamideOl1) set the Freeable memory alarm to raise if less than 20% of memory is left (fcece9e).

Joe Ferris (jferris) updated so we use the tagged version rather than the Git ref (7e5d695) and enforced applying parameter group changes on reboot (88ea746).


CapybaraAccessibilityAudit is a tool to extend your Capybara-powered System Tests to automatically audit the page for WCAG Stardards-based accessibility violations.

Sean Doyle (seanpdoyle) codified the Ruby 3.0 requirement into the gemspec (1ae8776) and released version 0.2.0 πŸŽ‰ (131bbb6).

Stefanni Brasil (stefannibrasil), continuing on her mission of adding a dynamic-readme reusable workflow to all our open source projects, added said workflow here (6d0815b).


Clearance offers Rails authentication with email & password.

Dan Sharp (drsharp) added configuration options for failure method redirects (43b84ec).

Stefanni Brasil (stefannibrasil) added the ever popular dynamic README workflow (99dd3b4).

Sara Jackson (sej3506) updated specs to match on i18n translations instead of raw strings (d65cecc), dropped support for Ruby 2.7.6 and Rails 6.0 (b4022f5), and released version 2.7.0 πŸŽ‰ (b517324).

Design Sprint Guide

The Design Sprint Guide is a static website built using Eleventy.

Stefanni Brasil (stefannibrasil) added title tags to all pages (8992988) and fixed some broken links (cfb98ae).

Luke Mitchell (LkeMitchll) fixed deploymemt by updating dependencies and fixing internal links (bc48c3f).

thoughtbot design system

thoughtbot design system (tbds) is the design system for thoughtbot websites.

dependabot[bot] bumped the versions of stylelint (67f0a03), (1919b5e), and sass (26267d7), (3596009).


factory_bot is a library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.

Stefanni Brasil (stefannibrasil) triggered the update-readme workflow (0b70a6f), updated the README (0e07cb9), and ensured the workflow only runs if the README has been updated (798db89).


Flightdeck provides Terraform modules for rapidly building production-grade Kubernetes clusters following SRE practices.

Akshith Yellapragada (ayellapragada) tested an overwrite (0487d5b) and added increased alerting for when acceptance tests fail (2f73cb5).

Form Props

Form Props is a Rails form builder that outputs HTML props instead of tags. Now you can enjoy the power and convenience of Rails helpers in React!

Johny Ho (jho406) updated ci workflows (ce74fc6), (e031043), (b97c11f), added support for Rails 7.1 (6c00e31), and bumped the version to 0.0.7 πŸŽ‰ (e79e493).


thoughtbot’s Guides for working together, getting things done, programming well, and programming in style.

Summer β˜€οΈ (thoughtbot-summer) added to our Working Together guide, noting that video should not be expected to be reliable (cd1bedf).

Summer and Stephanie Kuroda (KurodaSteph) added bathroom guidelines to our in-person meeting guideline (8b943cb).

Stephen Hanson (stevehanson) added React Native tooling preferences to the guides (9f43c24).


Paperback is a tool to standardize and streamline eBook production.

Chad Pytel (cpytel) added support for fenced divs (c231b55).


PropsTemplate is a direct-to-Oj, JBuilder-like DSL for building JSON. It has support for Russian-Doll caching, layouts, and can be queried by giving the root a key path.

Johny Ho (jho406) updated the README (89bce09), migrated to github workflow (b073b99), dropped support for Rails 6.0 (5e93dba), and bumped the version to 0.33.0 πŸŽ‰ (d8916c2).

Abel Toy (AbelToy) enabled template rendering in API only Rails apps (2a39d92).


Superglue is a tool that helps you use classic Rails to build rich React Redux applications with NO APIs and NO client-side routing.

Johny Ho (jho406) moved to Superglue github workflows (87caca2) and bumped the version to 0.53.2 πŸŽ‰ (4ef9401).

Chris White (whitecl) and Ryan Krug (keegnotrub) fixed errors prop in scaffold form generator components (c1d2b77).


thoughtbot’s documentation templates for open source projects.

Stefanni Brasil (stefannibrasil) updated the dynamic README workflow to open a Pull Request (24622fa), updated the template path (a82890c), and ensured that CI is run when a PR is opened (c59066c).

Stefanni and Mina Slater (minaslater) further updated the dynamic-readme workflow (976d785).


Upcase is a Rails application deployed to Heroku designed to help sharpen your programming skills.

Chad Pytel (cpytel) removed link to Type Connection site (ec8e1ff) and restored omniauth 1.9.x and omniauth-github 1.4.0 (01567a6).


Yuri-ita is a powerful set of tools to build expressive user interfaces for filtering, searching, and sorting data in Ruby on Rails.

Stefanni Brasil (stefannibrasil) added the dynamic-readme reusable workflow (8cd6ecf) and updated the README (9cff585).

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