This Week in Open Source

This Week in Open Source is unofficially This Month in Open Source today. 🗓️ Here are the updates we have from June!

Shout out to all our community contributors! By the way, have you considered contributing to open source? We recently started sharing our open source maintainers sync notes publicaly and it includes specific things us maintainers could use help with. You can check them out here.

I’m looking forward to your contributions!

Here’s the projects that saw updates in June:


Administrate is a framework for creating flexible, powerful admin dashboards in Rails.

jubilee2 fixed the broken has_one style (50f91fc).

Codruț Constantin Gușoi (sdwolfz) fixed the generator path for namespaced models (51aac07).

dependabot[bot] bumped the versions of trix (639a623), timecop (03e27ae), selenium-webdriver (84ccec2), braces (01490fb), standard (95bfb45), sentry-ruby (e847ee6), sentry-rails (7e29733), and timecop (7cefaa4).

Nick Charlton (nickcharlton) updated Rails from to (2248f03).

Jeanine Soterwood (littleforest) and Sébastien Dubois (sedubois) added Field::RichText (d2fb856).


Clearance offers Rails authentication with email & password.

Sara Jackson (sej3506) released version 2.7.2 🎉 (c5c3032).

Alex Kholodniak (kholdrex) fixed method redefinition and circular require issues (1df5cf8).

Hamed Asghari (hasghari) added specs for email validator strict mode (13bc29a).


ClearanceI18n provides translations for Clearance.

Valeria Graffeo (heyvaleria) merged an update to the dynamic section of the README (d520d1f).

dependabot[bot] bumped the version of actionpack (4450c2d).

thoughtbot design system

thoughtbot design system (tbds) is the design system for thoughtbot websites.

dependabot[bot] bumped the versions of stylelint (7a3c5db) and sass (08b5f20), (7d43fb1), (a26c8ba).


factory_bot is a library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.

Sarah Lima (sarahraqueld) improved docs formatting and fixed filename conflicts (4ee1d21).


Flightdeck provides Terraform modules for rapidly building production-grade Kubernetes clusters following SRE practices.

Akshith Yellapragada (ayellapragada) added toggles for private and public endpoints (3aed325).


GoldMiner is a tool for finding interesting messages in a Slack channel and turning them into a blog post for the thoughtbot blog.

dependabot[bot] bumped the versions of timecop (e03a72a), zeitwerk (e477b90), and standard (1a129ce).


Griddler is a Rails engine that provides an endpoint for services that convert incoming emails to HTTP POST requests. It parses these POSTs and hands off a built email object to a class implemented by you.

Stefanni Brasil (stefannibrasil) deprecated Griddler in favor of ActionMailer (16f0ca9).

Thank you to everyone that has used and/or contributed to Griddler over the years!


thoughtbot’s Guides for working together, getting things done, programming well, and programming in style.

Valeria Graffeo (heyvaleria) added some things to keep in mind and updated some wording in our code review guide (480b6b8).

Jose Blanco (laicuRoot) added translations as a default for client projects (45eeb59).

Clarissa Lima Borges (clarissalimab) made improvements to our “Working together” guide to include sections about the use of acronyms and giving feedback (e433107).

thoughtbot stylelint Config

thoughtbot stylelint Config is a shareable stylelint configuration that enforces thoughtbot’s Sass guides.

dependabot[bot] bumped the version of stylelint-config-recommended (9d349ec).


Superglue is a tool that helps you use classic Rails to build rich React Redux applications with NO APIs and NO client-side routing.

Johny Ho (jho406) removed the no longer available mobile option (16bbed7), added support for remote forms using GET (318b66d), fixed an issue with 406 errors (091c076), released version 0.53.3 🎉 (aaba7da).

Johny also fixed some eslint errors (ddfcfd4), simplified the setting of pageKey (c89b123), released version 0.53.4 🎉 (6ce4421), added types to lib/utils/window (64d4679), and added types to request.ts (e374a3b).

Alex Kholodniak (kholdrex) updated ESLint config to support TypeScript (1c01535), added a warning for 406 response code and test cases (3cfdd00), and added a release script for streamlined versioning and publishing (c2bf69e).

John Cambefort (johncardiologs) began adding typescript to the project 🎉 (3677d94).


Suspenders is a Rails template with our standard defaults, ready to deploy.

Thiago Araújo Silva (thiagoa) removed himself from CODEOWNERS (7c74d88).


thoughtbot’s documentation templates for open source projects.

Chad Pytel (cpytel) added a template (e597c5c).

Stefanni Brasil (stefannibrasil) added a dynamic workflow for the new template (ec135bd), differentiated this workflow from dynamic-readme (1c37661), created (38d3726), updated to be more generic (67a8f7d), created trigger-dynamic-security-update.yaml to push updates to our repos (55d3329).


Upcase is a Rails application deployed to Heroku designed to help sharpen your programming skills.

Silumesii Maboshe (smaboshe) updated Bundler (63a4e33), (2f739eb), added the faraday-retry gem (3737389), and added Standard (a0f98ef).

dependabot[bot] bumped the versions of rspec-rails (eab8657), email_spec (ccbe2ab), octokit (2aa1c65), formtastic (b57f093), aws-sdk-s3 (c455b65), recipient_interceptor (ac5e7a4), dynamic_form (fd07a1f), rack-cors (02d224b), clearance (96fdda2), delayed_job_active_record (68c56d6), and database_cleaner (1b2d46a),

✨Have you considered contributing to open source? There’s a project out there for you! Visit our Open Source page to learn more about our team’s projects and contributions. While you’re there, consider contributing to one of our projects. Check out our maintainer’s sync notes for some ideas.