Superglue 1.0: React ❤️ Rails. A new era of thoughtfulness Superglue 1.0 is released! Learn about pairing Rails and React and why being thoughtful matters. Johny Ho January 15, 2025 Ruby Web Ruby On Rails React Redux JavaScript Hotwire Stimulus Turbo
Upcoming Talks at Ruby Conferences in Spring and Summer 2024 Join us in anticipating exciting talks for spring and summer of 2024. Discover new lessons, shared experiences and breakthroughs from senior and principal thoughtbot developers! Adrienne Ross April 12, 2024 Rails Ruby JavaScript Testing Turbo Events Growth Mobile Conferences Community
Hotwire: Turbo-Streaming ViewComponents Learn how to Turbo-Stream ViewComponents by building a message board. Connor McQuillan February 8, 2022 Hotwire Turbo ViewComponent Rails
Dynamic forms with Turbo Fetch fresh fields from your servers with Turbo Frames. Sean Doyle February 2, 2022 Turbo Rails Stimulus Hotwire Web
Hotwire: Asynchronously loaded tooltips Learn how to effectively render tooltips in Rails without writing any JavaScript. Steve Polito January 26, 2022 Hotwire Rails Turbo CSS
Hotwire: Typeahead searching Build a search-as-you-type text box with Turbo, Stimulus, and Rails. Sean Doyle September 17, 2021 Hotwire Rails Turbo Stimulus
Hotwire: Server-rendered live previews Turbo-charge your Article drafting feedback cycle with Hotwire-powered live previews. Sean Doyle September 14, 2021 Hotwire Rails Turbo Stimulus