Superglue 1.0: React ❤️ Rails. A new era of thoughtfulness Superglue 1.0 is released! Learn about pairing Rails and React and why being thoughtful matters. Johny Ho January 15, 2025 Ruby Web Ruby On Rails React Redux JavaScript Hotwire Stimulus Turbo
Introducing Superglue: React ❤️ Rails We’ve built Superglue, a framework that makes Rails and React as productive as Rails, Hotwire, Turbo, and Stimulus. Johny Ho January 4, 2024 Ruby Web Ruby On Rails React Redux JavaScript
Redux Toolkit is the official way to write Redux apps An intro to Redux Toolkit. Stephen Hanson and Will Larry April 17, 2023 Redux React JavaScript Frontend Web
Flow control in react-navigation Create asynchronous flow controls using react-navigation. Rakesh Arunachalam July 28, 2020 React Native Navigation React Redux JavaScript iOS Android Mobile
Best practices while developing a React Native App A list of best practices while developing an App using React Native for an efficient coding experience. Rakesh Arunachalam March 13, 2020 React Native React Redux JavaScript iOS Android Mobile
Using Redux with React Hooks React Redux launched support for Hooks. We will explore the new useSelector and useDispatch hooks and look into the tradeoffs of using these hooks versus the connect higher-order component. Stephen Hanson July 30, 2019 React Redux JavaScript Web
Talking to ActionCable without Rails How to talk to ActionCable without using Rails. Bruno Antunes November 30, 2017 Web JavaScript Action Cable Websockets Redux
Redux for Chrome Extensions An intro to functional state management for your Chrome extensions using Redux. Bruno Antunes October 2, 2017 Web JavaScript Chrome Redux