North Star Metric

Dan Croak and Galen Frechette

It is difficult to prioritize product and growth work.

Should we write a new feature? Remove a feature? Fix a bug? Design a user interface? Remove a step in the activation funnel? Write a blog post? Offer an e-book for a lead nurturing campaign? Change pricing? Hire a customer support person?

The North Star has been used for navigation since Late Antiquity. Applying it as a metaphor to startups, we can define a North Star metric by answering the question:

How many people are getting authentic value from our product?

We say “authentic” value to avoid vanity metrics such as pageviews and sessions.

We don’t use the terms Daily Active Users (DAU) or Monthly Active Users (MAU). The North Star metaphor reminds us to use the metric as our guide. The moment when a user gets authentic value may not always be when the user acts.

Example North Star metric

An organization exists to serve a mission. A product exists to serve a job to be done.

For example, thoughtbot’s mission is to create better software. We believe a job to be done to create better software is to keep a project’s code in a consistent style.

Hound serves that job to be done by reviewing GitHub pull requests for style violations.

The moment Hound reviews is called a “build.” It is the moment the team gets authentic value because the product helps them keep their code in a consistent style. It is the moment the product’s job is done.

Hound’s North Star metric is therefore:

Teams with builds per week

How to calculate it with SQL

We’ve often calculated the North Star metric using our application’s SQL database, hosted by Heroku Postgres. We run a SQL query on our production database’s “follower” (read-only slave) using Dataclips:

    teams::float /
    lag(teams) OVER (ORDER BY week) - 1
  ) growth
    date_trunc('week', builds.created_at) AS week,
    count(DISTINCT AS teams
    INNER JOIN builds ON builds.repo_id =
  WHERE repos.full_github_name NOT LIKE 'thoughtbot%'
    AND builds.created_at >= current_date - interval '14 weeks'
  GROUP BY week
) AS _;

The subquery aggregates our builds data into weeks using the date_trunc function and GROUP BY statement. Within those weeks, we count the DISTINCT GitHub repositories and alias them as teams.

The WHERE clause filters the results in any appropriate ways for the particular product. We usually remove employees of the product’s company and restrict the time window to the previous quarter, including this week in progress.

We have to be careful in the WHERE clause, understanding the domain and code enough to know whether the state of the data we are querying now represents a good state of the data for the time period.

The outer query lags each week’s teams OVER its previous week to calculate growth. lag() is a window function that compares rows of teams by an offset of 1.

The result set looks like this:

week teams growth
2014-09-22 00:00:00 114 N/A
2014-09-29 00:00:00 170 0.491228070175439
2014-10-06 00:00:00 197 0.158823529411765
2014-10-13 00:00:00 186 -0.0558375634517766
2014-10-20 00:00:00 198 0.064516129032258
2014-10-27 00:00:00 213 0.0757575757575757
2014-11-03 00:00:00 205 -0.0375586854460094
2014-11-10 00:00:00 230 0.121951219512195
2014-11-17 00:00:00 252 0.0956521739130434
2014-11-24 00:00:00 255 0.0119047619047619
2014-12-01 00:00:00 269 0.0549019607843138
2014-12-08 00:00:00 266 -0.0111524163568774
2014-12-15 00:00:00 213 -0.199330827067669

Growth rate

It is necessary to calculate both absolute numbers and growth rate in order to completely understand the product’s current health. We want to know Hound currently has “266 teams with builds per week”, and is growing at “9% per week” (the average of the trailing quarter, excluding the current week).

Paul Graham has written that Y Combinator startups should grow by 7% per week:

When I first meet founders and ask what their growth rate is, sometimes they tell me “we get about a hundred new customers a month.” That’s not a rate. What matters is not the absolute number of new customers, but the ratio of new customers to existing ones. If you’re really getting a constant number of new customers every month, you’re in trouble, because that means your growth rate is decreasing.

He also identifies our most-common follow-up question after learning the current North Star value and growth rate:

How many new versus retained users?

New versus retained users

A second Dataclip calculates retained users:

  date_trunc('week', builds.created_at) AS week,
  count(DISTINCT AS retained_teams
  INNER JOIN builds ON builds.repo_id =
WHERE repos.full_github_name NOT LIKE 'thoughtbot%'
  AND builds.created_at >= current_date - interval '14 weeks'
  AND repos.created_at < date_trunc('week', builds.created_at)
GROUP BY week;

It is almost exactly the same as the North Star’s subquery except for the WHERE clause’s AND repos.created_at < date_trunc('week', builds.created_at), which filters the data to include only builds from repos that were created prior to the current week.

Visualizing the data

We can use Heroku Dataclips’ CSV export and Google Spreadsheets’ IMPORTDATA function to get a live import in Google Spreadsheets:


Which lets us chart the data and make other calculations, such as averaging the growth rate:

Hound's growth Google Spreadsheet chart

The new versus retained teams bottom chart is generated by importing the second Dataclip into a second Google Spreadsheet tab. On that tab, we calculate new teams by subtracting the retained teams from the total teams in the first Dataclip.

The “Goals” section is calculated by multiplying last week’s total teams, retained teams, and new teams by 1.07 (a 7% growth rate).

The “Current” section is calculated by dividing this week’s total teams, retained teams, and new teams by their corresponding goals.

Data generates the necessary questions

The bottom chart and our current progress toward our goals helps us make decisions about whether to focus on customer acquisition (marketing) or customer retention (product).

The data is telling us that retention is good but acquisition is not.

The guidance from our North Star metric causes us to ask questions such as “which customer acquisition channels are working the best?”, or “do we have an awareness problem or an activation problem?”

Compare the Hound chart to another product’s chart:

Anonymous growth chart

In this example, the data is telling us that we’re still making something people want, not yet ready for marketing something people want.

Prioritizing work by answering the questions

The questions lead us to look deeper into our data in places such as Mixpanel funnels, which helps reveal where in the product people are getting blocked.

Here’s Hound’s activation funnel in Mixpanel:

Hound's Mixpanel funnel

While both steps could be improved, it seems more likely that improving the first step would result in a bigger improvement of our North Star:

Teams with builds per week

Numbers identify the “what.” Our team identifies the “why.”

To answer “why?”, we can critique the current home page for ways to improve the user interface design. For example, we might want to change the call to action from “Sign in with GitHub” to “Add Hound to your GitHub repo” or some other copy text.

Another way to answer “why?” is to look for qualitative data to compare to the quantitative data. We often use Intercom for user research.

In our conversations with users, we may discover that they are unhappy with the permissions we require in the GitHub OAuth step of the sign up process. That may lead us to change the OAuth permissions, removing functionality which relies on the more aggressive permissions.

Design an experiment, instrument, implement, observe

We now have ideas for changes to make. In this example, the changes are to the product, but our process could have as easily led us to make changes to our marketing.

The product changes are only one part of the design of the growth experiment. We also need to define how we will know if the changes are successful.

Changing the CTA text should improve the conversion rate of from “Viewed Home Page” to a new “Clicked to Authenticate” event in the funnel.

Requiring fewer GitHub permissions should improve the conversion rate of from “Clicked to Authenticate” to “Signed Up.” That would represent the percent of users who have successfully authenticated with GitHub.

As sometimes happens in these iterations, we need to instrument the app with a more granular event. Then, we can compare the changes by A/B testing. Or, we could deploy the instrumentation and gather baseline data for a period of time before deploying changes.

After we feel good about our conversion rates, we might turn our attention away from product work, toward marketing work such as prioritizing customer acquisition channels.

Learn more

Once we begin looking at the North Star metric on a daily and weekly basis, we’ve given ourselves an organizing mechanism for deciding where to focus our time.

For more about North Star metrics, watch talks from Alex Schultz and Josh Elman.