If you’ve worked on a web application in the past eight years or so, there’s a good chance you’ve written mapping or geocoding functionality. I’ve worked on multiple Rails applications in the past year which geocode certain pieces of data; each time, I had to remind myself which Ruby gems to use for searching, how to retrieve coordinate information from the browser, and the correct way to write tests for the behavior I wanted to add.
Introducing “Geocoding on Rails”
Today, I’m proud to announce thoughtbot’s newest publication, Geocoding on Rails, written by Laila Winner and myself. The 60 page ebook covers the following topics:
- Which gems to use based on application requirements
- How to build out a Rails application which geocodes data
- How to use the W3C Geolocation and Google Geocoding APIs to reverse-geocode at a browser level
- How to speed up responses with caching
- How to test virtually every aspect of the app as it’s built
Includes the source code of a Rails app with easy to read code and high performing geospatial queries
The book includes a fully functional Rails application written in Rails 4 and Ruby 2 with a full test suite of RSpec acceptance tests (using Capybara), unit tests, and CoffeeScript unit tests using Konacha. Also included is a dataset with almost 11,000 Starbucks locations to get you started.
As with all our books, you initial purchase of the book gets you all future updates we make. We even give you access to the GitHub repository.