How to use a basic tool of data science in ruby.
Now that the videos are out, I can give teasers about the talks we had in the ruby room at FOSDEM 2024.
We’ve experimented internally with LLMs on different aspects and I got into a rabbit hole no-one should fall into.
There’s an experiment that uses Lego to discover a bias - and somehow knowing about this bias made me think about product development.
You’ve heard it from us, Ruby is back at the biggest European conference on free and open source software.
Is Rust Web yet? We used our Rails knowledge to try writing a Web application in Axum in two days.
Un git push --force
plus doux.`.
Apprenez les outils git qui vous permettront de conserver un historique git propre, comment les utiliser et pourquoi ils doivent être manipulés avec précaution.