Launch with DevOps

What is DevOps? The conjunction of Development and Operations, it refers to a set of practices that emphasize the collaboration between teams while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes. Startups have small teams where developers are now responsible for managing compute, network, security and other tasks involved in operating software. We can apply practices from developing code such as version control, infrastructure as code, and testing to begin new projects with the structural foundations to scale, meet due diligence practices, and minimize the long term cost of operating the application.

In as little as two weeks we can launch your new project idea onto your preferred cloud provider and set up your team with the tools to manage your application at a lower cost and greater team satisfaction in the long term.

Talk to us about your DevOps project

Start on AWS with a scaffolding sprint

Leverage our AWS Platform Guide to build a product right from the start

Our AWS platform guide documents our experiences and approach to building on the cloud with security best practices on Flight Deck - our curated set of pre-configured open source Terraform modules and AWS products for deploying and managing applications on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service.

  • Do you feel comfortable meeting the security compliance needs of your product?
  • Do you expect to be rapidly building new features?
  • Do you have complex security or compliance needs, but want to keep costs low?

Our team can stand up a high-compliance ready AWS platform for your team and be ready to begin a migration in as little as 2 weeks. We provide your team with all of the documentation and training you need to operate on AWS, maintain security compliance, and scale to meet the variability of your user needs. We have the experience and partnerships to handle special considerations like HIPAA, FINRA, SOC 2, and PCI in a variety of cloud platforms.

Clients in the UK public sector can access our services as part of the G-Cloud-13 purchasing framework.

A collage of images of multiple monitors on a desk, a video call displayed on a laptop and a bookshelf built to look like thoughtbot's logo robot Ralph

Read more from Mission Control

Access our free content on building continuous integration and deployment pipelines.

CI/CD: Automating Tests and Deployments the Fun Way — Running tests and managing deployments can be a tediously manual process or overwhelming to automate with all the available platforms and tools to choose from. We at Mission Control want to share how our process has made CI/CD simple and enjoyable.

Read the full article

Ask thoughtbot CTO - All About CI / CD — Our Mission Control team talks with thoughtbot CTO Joe Ferris about questions related to continuous integration and continuous delivery practices at thoughtbot and how they have evolved over time.

Read the full article

Let's Talk

What does success look like for your project?

Collage of code on a screen, a thoughtbot video meeting with many attendees, and a desktop scene with the Ruby on Rails logo displayed on the monitor