Welcome Startup Stack Community!
thoughtbot is a leading design, development, and product management consultancy. We use an agile, human-centered strategy for digital products in every stage and since 2003, we have worked to produce higher-quality products while improving team processes and have done so successfully for over 1,000 clients.
Let's make your business & product successful
Experts in supporting Startups & Entrepreneurs
Regardless of your stage, we can help. We've taken ideas and turned them into validated prototypes ready for investors, and commonly work closely with startups to navigate their MVP builds. We are experts in rapid iterations, and can help you prioritize the most impactful experience to begin to grow your audience. We can embed with your team or be your entire team. We work hard to ensure collaboration and communication are always clear.
Startup Stack free Resources
Tools, workshops, and more to help you move ahead
Office Hours
Free sessions to connect with one of our designers or developers.
Past Events
All of our past events are recorded and published. They cover design, development, and product strategy topics.
Purpose Built
Our Entrepreneur Resource Center has content tailored to entrepreneurs and founders.
Open Source Libraries
We have a few GitHub open source libraries and are big contributors to the RoR Open Source space.
Exclusive Startup Stack Offer
First Project Discount
Start a conversation via the form below, and if you decide to do business with us, you'll receive a minimum of a 5% discount on the first 3 months of your first project for an average savings of $1,000+. We will discuss your final discount and rate through the sales process. We tailor each project to our client's needs.