You may not get the results you expected.
Introducing FOMOBot, the Slack bot that keeps productivity up while letting you know when you’re missing out on an important conversation.
There is no need to upgrade Paperclip in light of CVE-2016–3714. You may choose to upgrade ImageMagick regardless.
Use ESLint and Mocha to generate tests for the style of your codebase.
PLIBMTTBHGATY. What is it even?
Elegant routing in Elm with Hop.
Announcing the latest addition to the Bourbon suite! Meet Refills less fashionable sibling, Empties, a new library of components that are completely – or for the most part – unstyled.
Four ways to test accessibility on Android.
The custom button we previously implemented looks all good and dandy, but we can’t possibly be expected to repeat that process for each additional button. Enter subclassing.